Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron? A serious profile for Matignon

Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron A serious profile for Matignon

AZOULAY. A woman of experience and international stature for Matignon? The hypothesis of seeing the former Minister of Culture and current patron of Unesco, Audrey Azoulay, appointed Prime Minister, seems solid.

Audrey Azoulay to lead the government team of the Macron II era? The hypothesis is likely, among many others, even if the name of the current director general of Unesco does not seem to be at the top of the list of favorites for Matignon. According to press indiscretions which converge, the President of the Republic has been made aware of several profiles to replace Jean Castex: Marisol Touraine, Catherine Vautrin, Elisabeth Borne… A CV stands out for its less political character: that of Audrey Azoulay. The latter, former Minister of Culture under the presidency of François Hollande has two significant advantages: she knows Emmanuel Macron well – she was an adviser to the Elysée when he was deputy secretary of the presidency; it has a significant international aura, embodying UNESCO’s resolutely social and ecological action in recent years.

On May 11, Le Canard Enchaîné, which is generally very well informed about behind the scenes of power, suggested that Audrey Azoulay was in the Head of State’s little papers to take over as head of government: “She ticks all the boxes for Matignon. […] For the record, she did the ENA with Alexis Kohler, the secretary general of the Elysée”, wrote the Duck. Same story for the political service of RMC, which is based on indiscretions collected during the great day of training for the candidates of the presidential majority in the legislative elections, Tuesday May 10 in Aubervilliers. Within this condensed macronie, a few tongues were untied, RMC retained that two names came back with insistence for Matignon: that of Audrey Azoulay and that of Marisol Touraine.

The profile of Audrey Azoulay corresponds in any case to two criteria put forward by those close to Emmanuel Macron. According to several sources, the President of the Republic would like to appoint a woman, 30 years after Edith Cresson’s short stint at Matignon. He would have already suffered the refusal of two women for this position: Valérie Rabault and Véronique Bédague. In addition, during his campaign between the two rounds, Emmanuel Macron hinted that he wanted to anchor his second term more to the left than the first, speaking moreover of appointing a head of government directly in charge of the ‘ecology. However, if she has never been inserted in the PS, Audrey Azoulay was a member of the socialist government of Manuel Valls, and close to François Hollande.

A successful experience as a minister

When she was appointed to the Ministry of Culture in 2016, moreover, several observers compared Audrey Azoulay to … Emmanuel Macron: both went directly from adviser to François Hollande to member of the government, without ever having been elected before, and without even belonging to the Socialist Party. Another link with the current executive, Audrey Azoulay is a former classmate, at ENA, of two members of the current executive: Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister Delegate for Industry, and especially Alexis Kohler, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, and considered one of Emmanuel Macron’s closest collaborators. The Head of State knows Audrey Azoulay well and his esteem for her is no secret.

Still, Audrey Azoulay does not fundamentally embody novelty and political renewal. At this weak point, it should be noted that the former minister did not take the reins, in the government of Manuel Valls, of a truly political portfolio. She did not bring divisive reform, did not expose herself to the media. On the other hand, it can pride itself on having built up significant ministerial experience. When she ended her duties in 2017, she enjoyed a good image in the main sectors of Culture.

A remarkable presidency at Unesco

Recommended by François Hollande in 2015 to take the direction of Unesco, his candidacy is supported by Emmanuel Macron after his election. Some observers will judge that this last-minute candidacy looked like a political calculation or parachuting, it has in any case aroused many criticisms. Firstly because it had been diplomatically agreed, before 2017, that the post of Director General of UNESCO should go to a personality from the Arab world. A petition signed by many actors of Arab cultural life will even be sent to the French government to challenge the candidacy of the Frenchwoman. Despite criticism, she managed to be elected to this post, thanks to the multiplicity of candidates from the Arab world and divisions between the Gulf countries.

Her work at the head of Unesco is praised, she is also considered one of the personalities who led the UN to increase the compulsory contributions of member countries for education and culture. The adoption of a major text on the preservation of the ancient walls of Jerusalem was also presented as a tour de force, driven by Audrey Azoulay. Another feat of arms, which testifies to her ability to resolve diplomatic tensions: she managed to initiate discussions for a return of the United States to UNESCO. The former minister was re-elected in 2021 at the head of the institution for a second term. From this prestigious career, she has also built up a rare address book, having forged links with several heads of state or government.

A graduate of Paris-Dauphine University, Sciences Po Paris and then ENA, Audrey Azoulay joined the senior civil service in 2000: she was appointed civil administrator, assigned to the general secretariat of the government. Later, she joined the National Center for Cinema and Animated Image (CNC), where she held several positions, until being appointed Deputy Managing Director. Audrey Azoulay therefore knows French cinema and the main figures of the profession well. As minister, she will actively participate in the digitization of cinemas. According to L’Obs, she became close, in particular, to Julie Gayet.

In 2006, she declined Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin’s offer to join his cabinet. Having become close to François Hollande, she was his adviser in 2014, in charge of culture and communication. She was then appointed Minister of Culture in 2016, in the government of Manuel Valls, replacing Fleur Pellerin. Support for the latter during the primaries of the Socialist Party in 2016, she does not decide before the first round of the 2017 presidential election, but calls to vote Emmanuel Macron in the 2nd round, like many socialists.

Already when she occupied the rue de Valois, Audrey Azoulay was often presented as the daughter of André Azoulay, one of the influential advisers of Hassan II, then of Mohammed VI. If Audrey Azoulay has made a name for herself and has established herself for her qualities, her filiation is sometimes considered a considerable advantage in convincing and bringing together international cultural players. Audrey Azoulay’s father, a former economist and leading diplomat from Arab countries, regularly had a seat around the negotiating tables on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Audrey Azoulay’s husband, François-Xavier Labarraque, met the one who would become his wife on the benches of Sciences Po and built a career in consulting. A man of networks and influences, he was a senior civil servant, “director of strategy and development” of Radio France, before launching his “strategy consulting” company. He also gives courses in cultural policy at Sciences Po. François-Xavier Labarraque and Audrey Azoulay have two children.

If Audrey Azoulay discovered the mysteries of power by settling in rue de Valois, she was no stranger to the various sectors of Culture before becoming a minister. Immersed very young, via her father, in an environment marked by the importance of the Humanities, she is surrounded by people who have made a career in Letters and the Arts. His older sister Judith was employed by the French Association for Artistic Action, dependent on the Ministry of Culture. His younger sister, Sabrina, was director of programs at Paris Première before becoming a producer for France 5, notably of the program “Entrée libre”. As noted The worldwho emphasizes that “everyone in the family is immersed in culture or audiovisual”, his cousin Elisabeth is an anthropologist who has also become a producer, who made a name for herself for having written the encyclopedia “100,000 years of beauty”. , published by Gallimard with the financial support of the L’Oréal Foundation.
