Prime Minister Marin on Ukraine’s candidacy for EU membership: A historic decision and a message of hope for the region

Prime Minister Marin on Ukraines candidacy for EU membership A

According to Prime Minister Sanna Marin, there is still a lot of work to be done in the candidacy of Ukraine and Moldova. EU leaders decided on the candidacy at a summit in Brussels.

– It is a message of hope to these regions that they belong to the European family, they will be part of the European Union in the future. But of course this is just the beginning of one path and there is still a lot of work to be done here.

Few would have believed in candidate status for Ukraine at the beginning of the year. However, the attack on Ukraine has changed the positions of skeptical countries.

– Without the war in Ukraine, we certainly would not have had these discussions this spring, Marin admits.

– Of course, the geopolitical situation and the war in Europe are affecting.

Negotiations with the Western Balkans are stalling

According to the Prime Minister, the member states were very united in their applications for membership in Ukraine and Moldova.

– On the other hand, in the case of the Western Balkans, we discussed why the negotiations have not progressed fast enough.

Marin emphasizes that negotiations on EU enlargement in the Western Balkans are stalled, despite the fact that four countries have been accepted as candidates.

Bulgaria is slowing down the progress of applications from northern Macedonia and Albania due to a dispute over the history and culture of northern Macedonia.

Despite the wishes of the EU countries, no solution has been found to the dispute. The situation is annoying to Marin.

– In the case of northern Macedonia and Albania, progress should have been made earlier, given the timely implementation of these reforms.

Support for Bosnia’s membership aspirations

The European Council also expresses its readiness to grant Bosnia and Herzegovina candidate status if it fulfills the criteria set by the Commission.

According to Marini, several countries suggested that Bosnia and Herzegovina should also be accepted as a candidate country.

– There was no readiness for this yet, but discussions will take place in the future. But it was agreed that the matter would be returned to, Marin says.

According to the Prime Minister, it is impossible to say when Ukraine can become a full member of the EU.

– It’s impossible to predict. It depends on the country itself how quickly it implements the reforms required for membership.

Ukraine is required to reform

Prior to the actual negotiations, Ukraine needs to commit itself, inter alia, to strengthening the judiciary and eradicating corruption and money laundering.

According to Marin, Ukraine is committed to implementing reforms. Marin discussed the matter with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky with yesterday Thursday.

– Ukraine has a strong will to make changes precisely for its own sake, for the sake of its citizens. They see that this offers their citizens a better future.

EU leaders also discussed the creation of a European political community alongside the EU. Behind the proposal is the President of France Emmanuel Macron.

– As such, the opening was praised, but at the same time it was emphasized that it is not an alternative route to the membership perspective, that some countries want to become members in the future, Marin says.

The European Council meeting will continue on Friday. Among other things, leaders are expected to discuss the deteriorating economic outlook in Europe and the effects of inflation.
