Prime Minister at the end of the day? Unresolved hypothesis

Prime Minister at the end of the day Unresolved hypothesis

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not a candidate in the legislative elections. Is he a potential Prime Minister in the event of a Popular Front victory? If the rebel feels ready, his partners are skeptical.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Matignon? The founder of La France insoumise cherished this project during the 2022 legislative elections, campaigning with Nupes. But two years later, he admits: “the atmosphere” has changed. With new anticipated legislative elections approaching, the left, once again united in the Popular Front, is under pressure from all sides to appoint a potential Prime Minister in the event of cohabitation. “I feel capable of it,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon also declared early on. But this time, there is no question of giving the impression that he is imposing himself: the former Marseille deputy is playing the collective card.

“There must be a discussion,” insisted Mélenchon on June 12, guest of the France 2 news. “We have in our ranks what to do, so I am not eliminating myself, but I am not imposing myself not.” “I’m not asking for anything,” he insisted again this weekend in an interview with 20 minutes, adding: “Enough personal stories. Let’s win the election first.” For the three-time presidential candidate, “Matignon is not an existential subject. I am not building a career. The rebels have produced capable leaders,” he notes, before quoting the LFI deputies Manuel Bompard, Mathilde Panot and Clémence Guetté.

“The New Popular Front has not yet nominated its prime minister candidate”

As a token of goodwill, Jean-Luc Mélenchon declined an invitation to debate with Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella, arguing that “the New Popular Front has not yet nominated its prime minister candidate”.

It must be said that the hypothesis does not please many of his allies, any more than a certain number of voters. “In the end, it will not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon,” insisted Raphaël Glucksmann on Friday on France Inter, arguing “that we need a person who creates consensus within the groups that are there.” “Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister,” socialist Carole Delga also decided last Thursday.

Even the rebellious François Ruffin makes this observation: “In all honesty, during the first door-to-door knocking, his name comes up, and with concern. And this is why I think he is right to withdraw” , reports the deputy for Somme to Courrier Picard, before concluding: “It seems obvious that he will not be Prime Minister.”
