Prima Industrie, delisting from Piazza Affari on 7 March

Takeover bid Prima Industrie subscriptions over 55

(Finance) – With reference to the public purchase offer (OPA) compulsory totalitarian on First Industriesa group listed on Euronext STAR Milan and active in the field of laser systems for industrial applications and sheet metal working machines, the bidder (Femto Technologies) communicated that brought into membership 3,821,093 shares, representing approximately 36.4% of the share capital.

Based on the final results, taking into account the initial stake held by the bidder and the treasury shares, the bidder will be hold a total of 10,185,941 shares, equal to approx 97.2% of the capital social.

In the light of the final results, Femto Technologies will exercise the right to purchase and simultaneously fulfill the obligation to purchase, carrying out a single procedure (the joint procedure), concerning all the remaining shares.

Borsa Italiana will have the Suspension from the listing of the shares on the Euronext STAR Milan, in the sessions of Friday 3 March and Monday 6 March 2023, and the revoke from the listing starting from the session of Tuesday 7 March 2023.
