(Finance) – I prevailthe pension fund of the industrial managers (whose institutions are Confindustria and Federmanager), has filed the 2024 with positive results for the two financial sectors, balanced and developmentwho closed respectively to +6.9% and +10.25%after an already very positive 2023. Also good are the results of the guaranteed lines, always stable, around 2%: insurance 1990 (2.3%), insurance 2014 (2%) and insurance 2024 (2.1%).
“2024 is confirmed as a decidedly positive year for our members, with very interesting returns for all sectors – commented on the President Giuseppe foreigner – The development performance is highlighted, of an equity nature and therefore more suitable for those who are still in the middle of the career, which has scored more than 10% net of taxation and management costs. But even those who had chosen more cautious solutions will not be disappointed by the previndai returns. For our part we renew our commitment to maximize the investments of the managers who choose to rely on us, always with the prudence typical of a social security investor but with well -straight antennas to seize the opportunities that markets can offer “.
According to the provisional data released at the end of January by Covip (the supervisory authority on pension funds), i average annual yields net at five years Negotiation pension funds range between 0.5% of the guaranteed lines and 4.7% of the shareholders, passing for 2% of the balances. In the same temporal span, the guaranteed sectors of Previndai (which are not directly comparable because they were insurance products) recorded a 2% net average annual while the financial share sector (development) stood at 5.1% and that balanced at 3%. For open funds, the performance was 0.2% for guaranteed lines, 2.5% for balanced and 5.1% for shareholders while the PIPs recorded 1.3% respectively for separate management (comparable with previndai insurance), 1.8% for balanced sectors and 5.1% for equity.
(Photo: Towfiqui Barbhuiya on Usplash)