prevent terrorism, violent extremism and coups

prevent terrorism violent extremism and coups

The African Union is holding a summit, since this Saturday, May 28, on terrorism and unconstitutional changes in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. From the reminder of the beginning of terrorism to the appeal to the republican spirit of the African armed forces, the President of the African Union Commission makes a diagnosis and affirms that we no longer accept unconstitutional changes on the continent.

With our special correspondent in Malabo, Peter Sassou Dogbe

Four speeches marked this ceremony, including that of the President of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, who poses a real diagnosis.

Terrorism and unconstitutional changes are two major challenges that are holding back the ambition to build a new Africa “Launched the Chadian diplomat from the podium, describing the changes to the constitutions as” creeping coups because they block any possibility of alternation and can therefore lead to military coups or revolts with, in some cases, manifestly popular support.

And Moussa Faki Mahamat to continue: “ Africa is probably the last continent in the world to experience such an intensity of terrorism and where unconstitutional changes still exist. We don’t have to accept this anymore “, he concludes.

As for the Equatoguinean President, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, he strongly condemned terrorism and called on his peers to mobilize resources to lead a relentless fight against this phenomenon which weighs down development efforts and destabilizes everything in its path.

The closed session has already started. A declaration will be adopted at the end of the session.

Read also: AU summit: 140 million dollars raised to deal with humanitarian crises
