Pressed situation at the Hospital in Enköping – operations are cancelled

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– The root cause of this is a pressured care site situation – there has been a high influx of patients recently, says Per Andersson, acting deputy hospital director.

Covid-19, winter sickness and flu contribute to a high pressure on the emergency department and full wards, which means that the hospital has to change. Sick leave of staff also contributes to the pressing situation.

Operations are cancelled

Planned operations in inpatient care are canceled during the first and second week of January, reception activities are reduced and staff are redistributed to remedy the situation.

On Thursday, the hospital in Enköping will make a new decision as to whether they should remain in reinforcement mode or not.


While covid-19 and winter sickness are on the decline, the seasonal flu is on the rise.

– It is not too late to get vaccinated, says Per Andersson.

Hear more in the clip above
