Presidential result time: when is it?

Presidential result time when is it

It’s time to vote! The 1st round takes place this Sunday, April 10 and the second, which will reveal the name of the future president, on the 24th. But what about the precise time at which the results of the 2022 presidential election are given?

The 1st round of the 2022 presidential election is this Sunday! It will nominate, at the end of the results, the two candidates who will face each other in a duel in the second round on April 24, unless one of the candidates wins the absolute majority of the votes cast in the first round, which is very very unlikely. Voting began on Saturday April 3 in the French West Indies, Guyana, French Polynesia and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. For French people who vote abroad, the dates are identical, except for those who reside on the American continent and in the Caribbean. To participate in the ballot, all you have to do is go to the polling station in your municipality (or have made a power of attorney) open, regardless of the region, since 8 a.m. And the results?

From 8 a.m. this Sunday, April 10, the French will be able to go to the polling stations of the municipalities in which they have registered beforehand. They will then have until 6 p.m. to perform the civic act, before the offices close to start counting the votes. It should be noted that the schedules are not the same depending on the location, since the offices of intermediate-sized cities and large cities only close their doors at 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. In the polling station, the results are announced once the minutes have been drawn up: the result is then announced in public by the president of the polling station and displayed in the voting room.

The results of this two-round majority uninominal ballot will be publicly known at 8 p.m., in all media, including on this site. Then, it is up to the Constitutional Council to validate them three days later. This Council ensures the regularity of the vote and examines any complaints. Respectively on April 13 and April 27, this Council will render a decision validating the results of the election and establishing, in the first case, the two candidates entitled to stand in the second round and proclaiming, in the second, the new president.
