Presidential barometer 2022: who would make a better president than Emmanuel Macron?

Presidential barometer 2022 who would make a better president than

SURVEY EXCLUDED. Linternaute’s great barometer on the 2022 presidential election measures French people’s opinion of Emmanuel Macron’s rivals each month. This month, a zoom is made on the “popular primary”.

Every month and exclusively for, the international research institute YouGov questions a representative sample of the French population on the next French presidential election. Which personalities would do better than Emmanuel Macron as President of the Republic? What are citizens’ expectations for this campaign? Discover the lessons from the 13th wave of our major monthly barometer of the 2022 presidential election, conducted from January 18 to 19, 2022.

The 2022 presidential election is approaching, the main political parties and declared candidates are advancing their pawns with the ambition of becoming the next tenant of the Elysée. In this respect, the French are rather inclined to think that the current head of state will not be replaced. Three months before the election, our poll shows that more French people think that Emmanuel Macron will be reappointed. They consider very clearly, at this stage, that no rival would make a better president than him.

december barometer

Will Emmanuel Macron be re-elected in 2022?

The French, 5 months before the presidential election, are more likely to think that the Head of State will be re-elected for a second term than the opposite.

Who would make a better president than Emmanuel Macron?

This is the main lesson of our barometer, updated every month: for the thirteenth consecutive month, no other candidate for the 2022 presidential election would make a better President of the Republic than Emmanuel Macron, according to the respondents. It should be noted that two personalities, who will not be candidates for the 2022 presidential election, appear at the top of this ranking, they are the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and the former Head of State, Nicolas Sarkozy .

The French want a new political offer for the presidential election and unique candidacies

48% of French people want a “new political current” to emerge for the next presidential election, 48% want to see “a new political personality” emerge. If the political landscape should not be upset until then, the French seem to want the lines to move.

A single candidacy on the left?

Thus, 47% of respondents say they are in favor of a single candidacy on the left in the first round against only 25% who do not want it and 28% who do not know. Left-wing sympathizers are 77% to want a joint candidacy, 11% do not want it.

But which political parties should participate in this single candidacy on the left? 54% of respondents in favor of a left-wing union and claiming to be left-wing sympathizers cite the Socialist Party, 49% cite Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, 54% cite La France Insoumise, 39% the Communist Party, 28% Workers’ Struggle (LO) , 24% Génération.s, 26% the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA).

A pronounced disengagement from politics

Another lesson from our barometer confirms citizens’ mistrust and sometimes discouragement in the face of politics. Nearly one in two French people feel “disengaged from politics” (46%).

If the first round of the presidential election had taken place in November 2021, the six subjects that would be most taken into account when voting would be social protection (41%), insecurity (38%), immigration ( 38%), employment (29%), the environment (26%), education (20%) and taxes (19%).

Current question: what do the French think of “the popular primary”?

Methodology: the survey was carried out among 1,026 people representative of the French national population aged 18 and over. The survey was conducted online, on the YouGov France proprietary panel from January 18 to 19, 2022. To find out more about this study, contact YouGov here


voting intentions

If YouGov and Linternaute offer you a barometer on the 2022 presidential election each month, other institutes carry out traditional surveys of voting intentions. We report the results of these studies below.

Please note that polls of the intention to vote do not constitute forecasts for the presidential election, but provide a snapshot of public opinion at a given moment, likely to evolve according to the dynamics of the campaign.
