Presidential 2022: time for the result, the LIVE election

Presidential 2022 time for the result the LIVE election

08:05 – Can you vote without a voter’s card?

You can go to your polling station to vote without a voter card. The only imperative paper is your identity card or your passport, valid or expired for less than five years, but also your vital card, a valid driver’s license, a disability card, of the combatant, of parliamentarian or of the State. These must be valid and have a photo.

08:00 – The polling stations open, the first round of the presidential election is launched

It is 8 a.m. and this is the official opening time for the polling stations. The earliest voters will be able to slip the first ballots into the ballot boxes. Remember that in the big cities, the polling stations will not close until 8 p.m. this Sunday evening.

07:55 – The first trends on this presidential election expected from noon

If it will be necessary to wait until 8 p.m. this Sunday evening to have the first estimates of the result of the presidential election, several indicators will mark out the day of the poll. Participation in the 2022 presidential election, key data for the outcome of the ballot, will for example be known at noon. The latest polls conducted this week suggest that attendance will be lower than 5 years ago in the polling stations. Abstention could reach the level of 2002, the last recorded record. As a reminder, in 2022, the participation at noon was 21.40%, it had risen to 31.21% in 2007 before falling back to 28.29% in 2012 then rising by a hair to 28.54% in 2017.

07:37 – How are the first estimates made?

At 8 p.m., you will have the first estimates of the results of the first round of this 2022 presidential election. These are communicated by partner polling institutes, in particular television channels. To obtain them, the institutes rely on the first counts started at 7 p.m. and carry out a panel from polling stations called “test offices” chosen for their representativeness of the French electorate. These estimates are then refined throughout the evening.

07:20 – Do so-called exit polls still exist?

The term remains regularly used and rumors on the web could report this Sunday, April 10, polling day on the occasion of the first round of the presidential election, of “exit polls”. The term comes from an old process originally carried out by the media to obtain first estimates. They consisted in questioning a panel of voters at the exit of the polling stations, these entrusting the choice which they had just made. The polls commission recalled at the dawn of this 2022 presidential election, that the practice of these exit polls has not been practiced in France for more than 20 years. No such poll will be conducted this Sunday. Any information on the subject disseminated in the next few hours will therefore be false!

06:48 – The white vote counted during the first round of the presidential election?

Since 2017, the blank vote has been counted in the polling stations. However, they are not counted. The counting of blank ballots allows people who do not wish to cast their vote for one of the candidates to vote and not be counted as abstaining. During the first round of the last presidential election, the blank vote represented 1.78% of the votes cast, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

06:15 – What time do the polls open this Sunday?

The first round of the presidential election is this Sunday, April 10, 2022. From 8 a.m., you can go to your polling station. You will have until 7 p.m. to deposit your envelope in the ballot box. Note that in the big cities, we will play the extensions: the polling stations will close at 8 p.m.

05:51 – Can a candidate be elected in the first round?

In France, the presidential election is a uninominal majority ballot in two rounds. The President of the Republic can be elected in the first round if he wins an absolute majority of the votes. This situation has never occurred in the history of the Fifth Republic. At the end of the first round, the two candidates having received the greatest number of votes are qualified for the second round. The candidate who wins the most votes becomes the new head of state.

05:35 – What is the voting system for the presidential election?

The presidential election is a first-past-the-post ballot in two rounds. The first round takes place this Sunday, April 10 and the second round is scheduled for April 24. The President of the Republic can be elected in the first round if he wins an absolute majority of the votes. Otherwise, the two candidates with the highest number of votes are qualified for the second round. In the second round, whoever wins the most votes becomes the new head of state.

05:03 – 48.7 million voters for this 2022 presidential election

Welcome to our live dedicated to presidential 2022. It’s the big day, that of the first round of the election. For this presidential 2022, 48.7 million voters are registered on the electoral lists of France and overseas. To this must be added several hundred thousand French people living abroad, who are registered on the consular electoral rolls. Useful reminder: to vote, you must be of legal age, of French nationality, enjoy your civil and political rights and be registered on the electoral lists.
