Presidential 2022: the candidate program on the theme of thermal insulation

Presidential 2022 the candidate program on the theme of thermal

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What place is given to energy renovation in private homes and what are the positions taken by presidential candidates on this subject?

About the budget that would be allocated for home improvement

Even if few candidates have come forward with figures concerning the budget dedicated to the thermal renovation of homes, some of them stand out for their ambitions:

  • Nicolas Dupont-Aignan plans to reuse the budget currently used in solar and wind power to invest 3 billion euros annually in a program intended to finance theinsulation homes.
  • The ecologist Yannick Jadot proposes to reduce household heating bills by around €700 per year by renovating the 5 million ” thermal colanders on the territory in 10 years.
  • For Marine Le Pen, few mentions in her program but all the same the wish to allocate the current subsidies dedicated to offshore wind turbines (i.e. 25 billion euros) for the replacement of all the oil-fired boilers still in use.
  • Fabien Roussel evokes, as for him, an annual budget of 10 billion euros intended for renovate no less than 700,000 dwellings each year.

Financial aid

With his renovation plan, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan expects to lower the heating bills. In addition to replacing boilers, the idea would also be to encourage the purchase of less consuming equipment.

The Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo provides a “premium for stone” to help households carry out the work by means of a subsidy and a repayable financial advance (in particular after the sale of the property or an inheritance). The owners in condominiums could also benefit from a specific reimbursement scheme.

In his proposal for a second mandate, Emmanuel Macron describes his objective of 700,000 housing units renovated per year thanks to the MaPrimeRénov’ system in force since 1er January 2020. The goal would be to encourage large-scale work rather than small one-off changes…

Finally, Marine Le Pen is considering setting up a Housing Green savings solution to finance renovations following a property purchase.

Tenant protection

For Fabien Roussel, it would be a progressive obligation for all housing to benefit from a renovation thermal. An energy center would then be created to guarantee this overall renovation of the dwellings.

If Anne Hidalgo proposes rent control according to the energetic performance housing, Jean-luc Mélenchon proves to be more demanding: to force the renovation of “thermal sieves” housing before renting.

The absence of additional costs for the most modest households was mentioned by several candidates, in particular Yannick Jadot and Jean-Luc Mélenchon – aid which would cover up to 100% of the costs but with an average rate of 70% based income for other households.

Yannick Jadot also campaigns for the protection of tenants with the desire to sequester rents until the owners have carried out the required work.

Less concrete information available, but a common concern nonetheless

Nathalie Arthaud, for her part, does not speak in detail on this subject even if in an interview granted to Environment News she said that ” should improve thethermal insulation of an enormous number of dwellings. But who can do work when you’re already at the bottom of the hole to the point of not being able to pay its heating ? “.

In addition, Valérie Pécresse wishes to double the current rate of renovation projects without commenting on quantified objectives. However, it proposes to merge Booklet A and the booklet of Sustainable development to create a green book whose funds would be used for the ecological transition of the country as a whole.

For his part, Philippe Poutou is also considering a thermal insulation plan for all housing, but his primary objective remains the “socialization” of energy in order to then be able to implement these measures.

The candidate Éric Zemmour does not seem to give much space to insulation issues even if he considers it urgent to put an end to “thermal sieves” by promoting geothermal energy.

Finally, it is difficult for our editorial team to provide you with very precise information about the project of candidate Jean Lassalle because he has not communicated much about his intentions in terms of thermal insulation…

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