President Zelenskyi calls on Europe to stand by Ukraine in an emotional session of the European Parliament

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi spoke remotely at a session of the European Parliament this afternoon.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi on Tuesday called on the member states of the union not to leave Ukraine alone.

– Without you, Ukraine will be alone. We have shown our strength. We have shown that at least we are exactly like you. So prove that you are standing by our side. Show that you won’t let us go, Zelenskyi said.

Zelenskyi spoke on Tuesday before the start of the extraordinary session of Parliament. According to Zelensky, his country, like other Europeans, is fighting for its freedom and values.

The President praised the courage of the Ukrainians.

– They’re amazing. We hope our children survive this.

The President’s speech aroused deep sympathy in Parliament. He said he was in a hurry because his attacks are being made all the time.

Support to help refugees

The debate was opened by the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola.

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said at least half a billion euros from the Union’s budget will be used for humanitarian purposes, such as helping hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees.
