President Touadéra calls for exemplarity in the face of corruption

President Touadera calls for exemplarity in the face of corruption

Last year, several cases of corruption and embezzlement involving ministers and some state officials were reported in the Central African Republic. During his address to the nation on the occasion of the New Year, President Touadéra reiterated his desire to fight against corruption while calling on members of the government to show a sense of responsibility.

With our correspondent in BanguiRolf Steve Domia Leu

While the Central African Republic is going through a cash crisis with a severe drop in tax revenue, the government is advocating good governance and transparency in the management of public affairs. A monitoring unit has already been set up to fight against corruption, according to Maxime Balalou, minister in charge of the government secretariat: We have already set up this monitoring unit whose mission is to identify the facts. No one will escape it and sanctions will be given to all those, whatever the level of responsibility, who are compromised in deviant behavior calling into question the efforts of the government. »

In his inaugural speech for the first Council of Ministers of the year 2023, the President of the Republic also regretted the lack of ambition of certain ministers: “ some ministers have followed the beaten track: few initiatives, innovations, relying on the regulation of signatures “.

Faustin-Archange Touadéra also noted the constant presence on social networks of certain ministers or extended stays abroad for others. ” These criticisms must lead to civic behavior, according to Maxime Balalou. And also, to bring each member of the government to understand that his mission to serve the State is a priesthood. »

And for this year 2023, the field is vast. After the adoption of the referendum law on December 28, Central Africans have their eyes turned towards the authorities. According to the government secretary, there will come a time when everyone will know whether or not the country will go to a constitutional referendum.
