President Stubb will participate in the Bilderberg group meeting in Madrid – three other Finns are also on the list | Policy

President Stubb will participate in the Bilderberg group meeting in

The European and Ownership Management Minister Adlercreutz will also participate in the group’s meeting.

President Alexander Stubb will participate in the meeting of the Bilderberg group in Madrid, Spain from Friday, says the office of the president of the republic. Stubb’s three-day Bilderberg visit ends on Sunday.

According to the president’s office, the purpose of the Bilderberg meetings is to bring together leading European and North American politicians, researchers, journalists and representatives of business life and provide a platform for confidential discussions.

Along with Stubb, also the Minister for Europe and Ownership Anders Adlercreutz (r.) attends a group meeting in Madrid. From Finns on the participant list is also the chairman of the IFRS Foundation Erkki Liikanen and editor-in-chief of Helsingin Sanomat Erja Yläjärvi.

Bilderberg meetings have been held almost regularly since 1954. It has not been the custom to disclose the content of the discussions to the public, but the aim is to keep them confidential.

Last year’s Bilderberg meeting in Lisbon, Portugal was attended by the then prime minister from Finland, among others Sanna Marin (sd.). Marin also participated in the meeting in 2022 in Washington, USA.

Over the years, people from Finland have also participated in the group’s meetings, among others Matti Apunen, Aatos Erkko, Paavo Lipponen, Jorma Ollila, Olli Rehn and Jutta Urpilainen.
