President Petro calls for the resignation of his government

President Petro calls for the resignation of his government

Colombian President Gustavo Petro has called for the resignation of his entire government, which is facing difficulties getting its bills approved in Congress, three of his ministers told AFP on Wednesday.

This request, confirmed by senior officials on condition of anonymity, was not formalized by Mr. Petro, the country’s first left-wing president. On Tuesday, he spoke on Twitter of a “government overhaul” after ending alliances with the main traditional parties.

In power since August 7, Gustavo Petro has not carried out the profound changes he had promised during his election campaign in the areas of work, health, retirement and justice. The Liberal Party, the Conservative Party and the U (centrist) Party, which distanced themselves from the government on Tuesday, opposed its initiatives.

At a public event, Gustavo Petro felt that a “ emergency government » was to be installed in Colombiasince Congress was unable to approve simple and very peaceful articles on the equitable distribution of land.

The first executive formed by the president relied on the centre, the right, and academia, not the left-wing forces that brought him to power. Since his arrival at the head of the country, Gustavo Petro has had to face several resignations and, at the end of February, he dismissed three of his ministers.

So far, none of the government ministers has tendered their resignation.

>> To read also: Gustavo Petro, first left-wing president in Colombia’s history

(With AFP)
