President of Ukraine Zelenskiy thanks President Erdogan for “grain deal”

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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy held a telephone conversation.

After the meeting, Zelenskiy said in a statement on his social media account, “I thanked President Erdogan of Turkey for his active participation in the protection of the grain agreement and his determined support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Stating that they discussed the steps to be taken for Ukrainian prisoners of war and political prisoners with President Erdogan, Zelenskiy said, “I trust Turkey’s support.”


After Russia suspended the grain agreement due to Ukraine’s alleged attack on the Russian navy off the Crimea, Turkey and the UN stepped in to have Russia return to the agreement. Russian Defense Ministry Spokesperson Igor Konashenkov declared that Russia returned to the grain agreement with the efforts of Turkey and the UN, and said, “Thanks to Turkey and the United Nations, we have received a written guarantee from Ukraine that the grain corridor will not be used by Kyiv for military operations against Russia. “Russia considers the guarantees received for the time being sufficient and will resume the implementation of the agreement, which includes the safe removal of grain and food products from Ukrainian ports,” he said.
