President Niinistö’s visit to the United States continues in Washington – at least NATO membership is on the agenda

President Niinisto talks about his trip to the United States

President Sauli Niinistö will meet US senators in Washington on Thursday. The discussion is scheduled to take place, among other things, on NATO membership.

President Sauli Niinistö is visiting the capital of the United States, Washington, today. During the day, Niinistö will meet, among other things, the Speaker of the House of Representatives by Kevin McCarthy as well as US senators.

The meeting with McCarthy is late in the evening Finnish time.

According to the president’s office, at least Finland’s NATO membership, the transatlantic partnership and European security will be discussed in Niinistö’s meetings.

On Thursday, Niinistö will hold a press conference at the Finnish embassy at 23:30 Finnish time.

Niinistö’s trip will end on Friday, when the president will visit the Norfolk military base and also meet the governor of the state of Virginia By Glenn Youngkin.

The president’s trip is accompanied by a business delegation, which includes representatives from a wide range of business sectors.

Thursday’s Ykkösaamu program discussed the importance of the visit to the relations between Finland and the United States. They were there to discuss Charly Salonius-Pasternak and ‘s NATO special reporter Mika Hentunen. A reporter reports from Washington Yuri von Bonsdorf.

What thoughts does the visit evoke? You can discuss the topic until Friday at 11 p.m.
