President Lukashenko: I am sure that the nuclear weapons in Belarus will never be used

President Lukashenko I am sure that the nuclear weapons in

According to President Lukashenko, Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons have been placed in Belarus on his “strong initiative”.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said on Friday that he was confident that Russian tactical nuclear weapons stationed on Belarusian territory would never be used.

Lukashenka, known as Russia’s loyal ally, and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin have admitted that some tactical weapons have arrived in Belarus and the rest will be deployed there by the end of the year.

Lukashenko, speaking in honor of Belarus’ national day on July 3, said that Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons have been deployed in Belarus on his “strong initiative”.

– As we move forward, we have become more and more convinced that they must be placed in a safe place here in Belarus, he said on the webcast of the Belarusian BelTA news agency.

– I’m sure we’ll never have to use weapons while they’re here. And no enemy will ever set foot on our land, Lukashenko declared.

President Lukashenko has repeatedly accused the West of trying to destroy his country and said nuclear weapons are necessary to deter potential aggressors.

Source: Reuters
