President Luis Arce calls for mobilization against “the coup d’état”

President Luis Arce calls for mobilization against the coup detat

Confused situation in Bolivia. Soldiers and tanks are in position in front of the Bolivian government headquarters in La Paz, this Wednesday, June 26. General Juan José Zúñiga, dismissed the day before from his post after threats against former President Morales, led troops to Murillo Square in front of the Quemado Palace, seat of executive power. President Luis Arce denounced unauthorized movements of the army and called for mobilization against ” the Coup d’Etat » and called for respect for democracy.

4 mins

The Bolivian president Luis Arce denounced, Wednesday June 26, the “ irregular movements ” of the army, while troops and tanks are stationed in front of the government headquarters in La Paz, AFP noted.

Images on social media taken by residents show army units advancing through the streets in close ranks, and armoured vehicles and a tank parked in Murillo Square, where soldiers were seen entering the Palacio Quemado, the seat of the presidency. The general remained inside the government palace for less than a quarter of an hour.

General Juan José Zúñiga told the press in Murillo Square, in front of the Quemado Palace, seat of executive power, that “ the mobilization of all military units » seeks to express their discontent « facing the situation of the country », reports El País. “ It’s enough. This disloyalty cannot take place “, did he declare. He also said he continued to obey President Luis Arce “ for the moment “, but that he would take measures to ” change the government “.

The three heads of the armed forces came to express our dismay. There will be a new cabinet of ministers. Things will certainly change, but our country cannot continue like this any longer “, General Juan José Zúñiga told a local television station. Stop destroying, stop impoverishing our country. Stop humiliating our army “, he said, ensuring he had the support of the population.

“Democracy must be respected”

We denounce the irregular movements of certain units of the Bolivian army. Democracy must be respected », Wrote the president on the social network

Accompanied by his ministers, Luis Arce called on the population and the international community to mobilize against the “coup d’état” and in favor of democracy.

According to the former president Evo Morales (2006-2019) on a coup is being prepared “. Still according to the former president, soldiers and tanks were deployed in Plaza Murillo. “ They called an emergency meeting at the army headquarters in Miraflores at 3 p.m. local time, in combat gear. »

For the past hour, division commanders have been ordering regiment commanders to immediately return to their barracks while awaiting new (cantonment) arrangements. This arouses many suspicions about the military movement in Bolivia », he wrote on his X account.

Former President Carlos Mesa condemns on the social network this military action which aims to violate democracy and interrupt the current constitutional period “. “ The Citizen Community [nom de son parti politique d’opposition, NDLR] is part of the militant defense of democracy “, he added.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez called on Wednesday June 26 to “ respect democracy and the rule of law » in Bolivia, after army vehicles took up positions in front of the presidency in La Paz, a situation described as “ Rebellion » by President Luis Arce. “ Spain strongly condemns the military movements in Bolivia. We send our support and solidarity to the Bolivian government and its people and call for respect for democracy and the rule of law », indicated Pedro Sánchez on the social network X.

General Juan José Zúñiga dismissed from his post the day before

Army General Juan José Zúñiga lost his post on Tuesday June 25 after a series of threats against former President Evo Morales. He is said to have exceeded his function by making statements against Mr. Morales, once an ally of Arce and now his greatest political opponent ahead of the 2025 presidential elections.

In an interview granted Monday to a television channel, the head of the army affirmed that he would arrest Evo Morales if he continued his plan to run again, even though he can no longer be a candidate according to a court decision. “ Legally he is disqualified, he can no longer be president of this country “, said Mr. Zúñiga. The armed forces are the armed wing of the country and we will defend the Constitution at all costs “, he added.

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) Luis Almagro declared that “ no form of violation of constitutional order will be tolerated » in Bolivia, expressing his “ solidarity with President Luis Arce » from Asunción, where the organization’s general assembly is being held until Friday.
