The E-Sport team Eintracht Spandau, actively in the German league for League of Legends, stopped a press conference for the coming season and at the same time presented its new main sponsor. But President Knabe (Handofblood) made a serious mistake.
Who is the new main sponsor? At a press conference, Eintracht Spandau presented its new main sponsor: Spin2win, an online casino. With new loosened gambling regulations at Riot Games regarding gambling sponsors, Eintracht Spandau is now possible to get money from new sponsors.
So Spin2win would bring the e-sports team through the new season and their support had opened up new financial opportunities for the team.
Team representative Daniel Broekmann, Ms. Strobel, Kevin Westphal and of course President Knabe were present at the press conference.
Handofblood has already become German champion with his e-sports team:
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Controversy main sponsor ensures turmoil
How was criticism dealt with? Of course, Eintracht Spandau also commented on critical questions. It was said about risks of gambling that responsibility would be with the consumer. A position that the German Twitch streamer Montanblack also represented 2022 when he was accused of promoting gambling through FIFA packs by ZDF Magazin Royale.
The team has no concerns about the minor target group that is exposed to this gambling advertising. After all, a lootbox system has been set up especially for children, with which instead could be dealt with. Broekmann added that he had no children, so he didn’t care.
In the criticism that loot boxes would also be gambling, President Knabe replied that it was not according to the law.
After all, the mechanics would only take place in the game and nobody could be paid out. So this was regulated by the EU. This is reminiscent of a statement by Electronic Arts from 2019 that loot boxes are “quite ethical surprise mechanics”, similar to Ü-Eier,
Then came the turn: Through a critical demand, it suddenly became clear at the press conference: the new regulation only applies to LEC teams, but not, for example, the Prime League. So Eintracht Spandau is also excluded from this option.
Daniel Broekmann (33) apparently knew all the time, which caused a violent emotional reaction to President Knabe.
In his eyes, Daniel Broekmann is to blame for everything. He already described playing with him in the first division in the team as a “real game of chance”, because “you can throw a coin right away.”
Without further ado, the press conference was canceled and President Knabe visibly left the room.
Here you can watch the whole video:
Parody with a serious background
What is behind it? Of course, this is a parody. Satirical Eintracht Spandau wants to draw attention to an actual problem in the e-sports scene. Handofblood has hidden many allusions and gags in his role as President Knabe:
Riot Games announced at the end of 2024 that they will loosen their regulations regarding gambling sponsors. From 2025 it is allowed to have betting companies as a sponsors. However, only those that have been released by Riot.
Previously, Riot had acted against it, but now decided to do it. As a reason, Riot stated that they wanted to create new opportunities for e-sports teams.
This decision was criticized by Eintracht Spandau with the video. Even if the Riot sponsors have to be released, this is still a controversial development.
As soon as Youtuber and Twitch streamer Handofblood are in the role of President Boys, you should not take everything he says seriously. It is an exaggerated representation of a prudent football official: President Knabe – that makes the role of handofblood so good