President Biden said in a new TV interview that he will stay involved in the presidential race and assured that his mind is running | News in brief

President Biden said in a new TV interview that he

Biden admitted he shouldn’t have used the bull’s-eye term when talking about his rival, Donald Trump, to supporters last week.

President of the United States Joe Biden has again given another TV interview. In the United States, it will be shown in its entirety at four in the morning Finnish time by NBC News during the challenge, Biden admitted that he should not have used the term bull’s-eye when talking about his opponent About Donald Trump. The bull’s eye refers to the center of the target.

Biden’s private call to his donors on July 8 has been leaked to the public. In it, he said it’s time to put Trump in the bull’s eye. Supporters of Republican candidate Trump and even some Democrats have accused Biden of inciting violence with his comment. Trump, who is seeking his second presidential term, was the target of an assassination attempt over the weekend.

for an NBC news anchor To Lester Holt in his interview, Biden admitted that the use of the term bull’s-eye was a mistake, but denied the broader criticism, as it was only a figure of speech.

– I didn’t say to aim. I said to the bull’s eye. I meant focusing on him. To what he (Trump) does, to his policies, to the numerous lies he has told in the election debates, Biden explained.

In a recent TV interview, Biden assured again that he is not going to withdraw from the presidential candidacy, although it has recently been hinted at by the Democrats’ own ranks as well.

– I’m old, but first of all, I’m only three years older than Trump, Biden said.

– And secondly, my common sense is pretty damn good. I have accomplished more than any president in a long time in three and a half years. I’m ready to be judged on that basis. he said.

Sources: Reuters, NBC News, STT
