President and Prime Minister immediately on a collision course in Poland – President Andrzej Duda presents his own budget proposal | Foreign countries

President and Prime Minister immediately on a collision course in

Duda’s presidency is scheduled to last another year and a half, which will cause difficulties for the government’s actions.

President of Poland Andrzej Duda announced on Saturday that he would use the right of veto in the bill related to the country’s next year’s budget.

The country’s new prime minister Donald Hardly according to Duda, in the proposal drawn up by the administration, among other things, three billion zlotys, or almost 700 million euros, are presented to the state media.

Duda said that he will bring his own budget proposal to the hearing in the next few days.

The country’s state-owned media became embroiled in controversy this week after Tusk’s administration fired the management of the state media in a bid to restore its impartiality and credibility.

The previous governments of the right-wing populist Law and Justice party PiS were often accused of having made the state media their mouthpieces, relaying the government’s propaganda and attacking the opposition.

Duda’s reign will last another year and a half

Some PiS members have criticized Duda for not doing enough against the dismissals carried out by the Tusk administration.

However, President Duda, who was previously influential in the PiS party, harshly criticized the dismissals of the state media carried out by the Tusk administration on Saturday.

– The matter cannot be accepted as a flagrant violation of legislation and the democratic rule of law. State media must first be repaired reliably and legally, Duda told the message service in X.

Duda has the right to veto changes in legislation, and the president can also propose changes himself.

Head of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Jan Grabiec said the news site Politico according to Duda’s announcement as “absurd”.

– The president has little to say in the matter. The president says he will deliver some kind of budget proposal, which is completely outside the president’s area of ​​responsibility.

Duda’s presidency is scheduled to last another year and a half, which will cause difficulties for the government’s actions. The coalition government barely has a majority in parliament, but lacks the 60 percent majority required to override a presidential veto.

Sources: AFP, AP
