present at the investiture, happy to stay at the Elysée?

present at the investiture happy to stay at the Elysee

BRIGITTE MACRON. Brigitte Macron will be present at the investiture ceremony of Emmanuel Macron on May 7, 2022. The First Lady is also returning for five new years at the Elysée, news which she is delighted with?

[Mis à jour le 6 mai 2022 à 18h06] She will be the First Lady for five more years! “I’m ready”, launched Brigitte Macron on the evening of April 24 after Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the presidential election, ready to play her role with her husband and President of the Republic. This Saturday, May 7, 2022 marks the entry of Emmanuel Macron into his second term – which should officially begin a week later, on May 13 – and Brigitte Macron will be by his side as always, discreet but present. Like her husband, she too is returned to the Elysee Palace as First Lady, a role she knows the ropes after five years. However, “you never get used to it”, she explained on the Champ-de-Mars after the second round of the presidential election. Despite what seems to hide a slight apprehension, she said she was proud to receive “such a great honor [elle] hope to be worthy”. At the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron opted for a sober and short ceremony, an hour and a half at most, and as during their installation at the Elysée Palace in 2017, he and Brigitte Macron should be surrounded by their blended family to experience this solemn moment.

Brigitte Macron, present at the investiture of Emmanuel Macron?

The First Lady is always present during the investiture ceremony of the President of the Republic. If she is less honored, Brigitte Macron retains a place of choice during the event which signs her renewal in the apartments of the Elysée. Present, she will be, but there is no need to wait for a speech or a simple speech on her part. Emmanuel Macron will focus all the attention. On the other hand, her outfit and her expressions will be scrutinized, a test that Brigitte Macron knows and masters after five years spent at the Elysée without change of moods and without missteps, a feat.

Brigitte Macron happy to stay at the Elysée?

After Emmanuel Macron’s re-election, Brigitte Macron expressed her pride in her husband and was apparently happy to see him back for a second term: “I’m so happy for him. I’ve lived these five years, these five years of work. He has an ambition for France, I know where he wants to go and he will do everything to get there. I hope that we will understand him and that we will follow him. J I have immense confidence in him.” As far as she is concerned, the tone was more one of humility and the First Lady promised to do “what[elle] little[t] for French women and men” while specifying, “in my niche of course”. Far be it from her to get involved in politics publicly, the teacher has always been careful not to encroach on this area. .

One would have thought that a renewal at the Elysée worried the First Lady. In 2016, during Emmanuel Macron’s first campaign, Nicolas Prissette’s book “Emmanuel Macron en marche vers l’Élysée” reported comments by Brigitte Macron: “He has to go there in 2017 because in 2022 , his problem will be my mouth”. The Macron couple’s age difference was hammered home by all the media at the time and the First Lady feared she would harm her husband and do more in an election in 2022. Clearly, five-year-old later, the age of Brigitte Macron (69) did not prejudice the candidacy of the Head of State.

Who are Brigitte Macron’s children?

Married for the first time at the age of 21 to André Louis Auzière, who died in 2019, Brigitte Macron had three children from this union: Sébastien, Laurence and Tiphaine. Rather absent from the media, the children of Brigitte Macron speak little but on several occasions, the youngest of the family, Tiphaine, has expressed her very good relations with her stepfather, Emmanuel Macron. An opinion apparently shared by his brother and sister. All were present at the investiture ceremony in 2017 and they should be there again this Saturday, May 7, 2022.

Brigitte Macron’s three children have had brilliant careers and expanded the family. The eldest and only son of the siblings, Sébastien, is a statistical engineer and married to Christelle Lorenzato with whom he had two children, Camille and Paul. The couple met at the National School of Statistics and Information Analysis. Laurence is a cardiologist and shares the life of Guillaume Jourdan, also a doctor. Together they have three children: Emma, ​​Thomas and Alice. Finally Tiphaine, a lawyer, is the youngest but is also the mother of two daughters, Elise and Aurélie, born of her union with Antoine Choteau.
