Presence, absence of endocervical cells: significance

Presence absence of endocervical cells significance

A smear is the first examination indicated in the screening for cervical cancer. For reliable interpretation, the results should generally include mention of endocervical cells. What does the absence of endocervical cells in a smear reveal?

Definition: what are endocervical cells in a smear?

THE endocervical cells are present on endocervical epithelium and cervical canal. It is therefore normal to be in the presence of endocervical cells duringa smear analysis. This levy is intended to screen for cervical cancer. In the absence of endocervical cells, this means that the sampling area was not the right one and that the smear must be taken again. A smear is considered normal if it contains no cells other than endocervical cells.

For the uninitiated, the interpretation of a smear is not easy. The mention “presence of endocervical or junctional cells” means that the smear is of good quality. In effect, the presence of these cells attest that the smear has been made at the junction between the exocervix and the endocervix.

The presence of metaplastic cells reveals a non-specific inflammatory smear. Generally, it is a benign lesion which testifies to a external aggression in the process of regression. During pregnancy, postpartum, certain infections or other hormonal phenomena, these metaplastic cells may be present during the smear.

What does the presence of endocervical cells in a smear reveal?

The presence of endocervical cells in a smear does not reveal an anomaly. This is the sign that the cervical cancer screening smear was taken in the right place and that its cytological interpretation is therefore reliable.

What does the absence of endocervical cells in a smear reveal?

The presence of endocervical cells is a guarantee of quality for the production of the smear. His absence testifies a lack of reliability in the cytological analysis of the smear. If the smear is not completely interpretable, a new one should therefore be taken. Moreover, their absence is more frequent in postmenopausal women, during contraception with an IUD, severe inflammation or history of laser treatment.

Does the presence of endocervical cells reveal cervical cancer?

The presence of endocervical cells during the smear does not reflect the presence of cancer cells. It is the gynecologist who decides on the new realization, or not, of a smear if the absence of these cells is revealed.

Thanks to Dr Philippe Mironneau, gynecologist, for his medical validation.
