Preparing for more evacuations in Norway

Preparing for more evacuations in Norway
fullscreen Crown Prince Haakon visited central Hønefoss on Saturday, which was badly hit by storm Hans. Photo: Geir Olsen/NTB/TT

Norway is preparing for the possibility that more evacuations may be required when the water in the country’s largest lake, Mjøsa, rises.

– There may be more evacuations today in the areas where we know that the flood peak has not yet been reached, says Valgerd Svarstad Haugland, state administrator, roughly equivalent to the governor, in Oslo and Viken.

People in Lillehammer are asked to stay away from Lake Mjøsa, as contaminated sewage is currently flowing into the lake from several municipalities.

“Therefore keep your distance from the water and the water’s edge, this applies to both people and animals,” Lillehammer municipality warned in a press release on Saturday.

However, it is emphasized that the drinking water in the area comes from the groundwater and not from the lake.

On Saturday, Crown Prince Haakon will visit Hønefoss in eastern Norway, which has been hit hard by the extreme weather. The Crown Prince has met people there who have had to be evacuated as a result of the storm.

During Friday, King Harald and Queen Sonja also visited Mjøndalen outside Drammen.

Thousands of people have had to be evacuated from their homes in Norway as a result of storm Hans. In several places there is also a high risk of landslides.
