Preparing for childbirth | Case

Preparing for childbirth Case

The months of pregnancy are to be lived fully before giving birth, an intense emotional moment for the future mother. It is also necessary to know how to relax, control breathing, manage the stress… by finding the method of preparing for thechildbirth which is best for the big day.

During pregnancy, the mother-to-be will prepare for childbirth. Eight birth preparation sessions are 100% covered by health insurance. A first appointment, which consists of an early prenatal interview, usually takes place during the 4th month of pregnancy. Since May 2020, it has been one of the mandatory pregnancy follow-up appointments for future parents. The mother-to-be can ask the health professional (midwife or doctor) on childbirth preparation methods and the seven birth preparation sessions will then be planned.

Choose the method of preparation for childbirth

There are several methods of preparing for childbirth. The mother-to-be will choose the method with which she feels the most confident and which will allow her to experience the birth well. These sessions are generally led by midwives, usually at the scheduled place of delivery. They are often collective, which allows future mothers to discuss the progress of their pregnancy, their anxiety and joy… The future dad is also invited to certain sessions to fully support his companion while waiting for D-Day.

This file offers you a description of the methods of preparation for childbirth, to choose the most suitable. He also answers questions about taking charge of the sessions.

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