Premium package has arrived for Telegram, which has reached 700 million users

Premium package has arrived for Telegram which has reached 700

Seeing an incredible increase in 2021 Telegram paid for Telegram Premium at the end of the pack introduced.

WhatsApp constantly growing and up-to-date 700 million reach the active user telegram, for a financially sustainable future besides advertisements for a long time also developing a paid subscription package. This is the one that entered the iOS beta last month. Telegram Premium The membership package, named , is finally available today. monthly price 5 dollars which is the TL equivalent of this on the iOS side. 95 TL the one which (Unfortunately, this is the situation with the current exchange rate.) for the package, the company itself states: “Telegram is currently It has more than 700 million active users. to celebrate this Telegram PremiumWe are making available. This subscription helps you support Telegram and gives you access to special additional features. All existing Telegram features will remain free for everyone.

New Premium Features

Premium: 4GB Downloads

-Send media and files up to 4GB in size.

Premium: Faster Downloads

-Download media and files as fast as possible without limits.

Premium: Double Limits

-Follow up to 1,000 channels.

-Link 4 accounts from any app.

-Organize your chats into 20 folders of 200 chats each.

-Pin 10 chats to your main list.

Reserve up to 20 public connections.

-Save 400 favorite GIFs and 10 favorite stickers.

-Write a longer about and add links to your profile.

-Add longer captions for photos and videos.

Premium: Audio to Text

-Use the new button next to the message to create a text transcript of any voice message.

Premium: Unique Reactions and Stickers

React with even more emotes, including -:clown: and :hearteyes:.

-Send unique stickers with additional effects, updated monthly.

Premium: Chat Management

-Set a default chat folder or enable tools to auto-archive and hide new chats.

Premium: Badges and Animated Profile Pictures

-Subscribers have a badge next to their name to show that they’re helping support Telegram.

-Show your profile video moving in chats and chat list to everyone.

Premium: No Ads

-Sponsored Messages that are sometimes shown on public channels will no longer appear.

Premium: App Icons

-Choose from several new Telegram icons for your home screen.”

-Information and subscription screen for iOS users-

Telegram In addition to these notable “Premium” features, it also announced new free features today. For these, the following was quoted: “This update also includes many changes for all users, just like every future update.

Requests to Join Public Groups

-Enable join requests for your public groups, no invite link required.

-Users who open the group will see the ‘Apply to Join the Group’ button.

-Users can join the chat after being approved by an administrator.

Enhanced External Sharing

-Watch the animated progress bar while sharing large files and media from other apps to Telegram.

Verification Badges in Chats

-Verified groups and channels now show their badges at the top of the chat.

Better Bots

-Your bot asks “What can this bot do?” Add a photo or video to

-Bots integrated in the additional menu can be enabled to work in groups and channels.

Improved support for ProMotion displays

-Fluent 120 FPS animations on all new iPads and iPhones.

Faster and More Powerful

-More than 100 fixes and optimizations to increase speed and reliability.”


Every free service has different ways to earn money. At the beginning of these are special paid subscription packages and advertisements as above. Some free services acquires by selling user data. Telegram does not go that route, depending on the purpose for which it was set up.
