Prejudice pod: Skyttedal has taken mushrooms

Prejudice pod Skyttedal has taken mushrooms

Updated 14.10 | Published 13.48



EU parliamentarian Sara Skyttedal has previously been open about her use of cannabis.

But her drug experiences don’t stop there.

– I have also tested psychedelic mushrooms where it has been allowed, says Skyttedal in Fördomspodden.

  • EU parliamentarian Sara Skyttedal reveals in a podcast that she has tried psychedelic mushrooms where it has been legal, but experienced no major effects.
  • She has previously been open about her use of cannabis and advocated legalization, which led to controversy within the Christian Democrats and her resignation from the party.
  • Skyttedal believes in the possible health benefits of psychedelic mushrooms, but is adamant that it should not be freely available for recreational use.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    The latest episode of Fördomspodden is hosted by EU parliamentarian Sara Skyttedal. Then the presenter Emil Persson asks questions about her drug history.

    – I have also tested psychedelic mushrooms where it has been allowed. It has been my principle not to violate the legislation, says Sara Skyttedal.

    But she should not have had any major effects from the substance.

    – It didn’t really work, it wasn’t as transformative an experience as I think it could be, says Skyttedal.

    Never used cannabis with Jan Emanuel

    Skyttedal has previously been open about her use of cannabis on a number of occasions. She has also advocated the legalization of the drug, contrary to the party line of the Christian Democrats.

    It was the starting point for the trips around Skyttedal that ended with her being named as the top name on KD’s EU list and later leaving the party.

    Today, she represents Folklistan together with Jan Emanuel. In the podcast, she also gets questions about whether he was with her when she used cannabis.

    – He has not, we have never used narcotic preparations together, says Skyttedal.


    full screenSara Skyttedal. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT Nyhetsbyrån

    “Not reasonable to let it go freely”

    Skyttedal also does not regret the cannabis venture and says that she has been truthful and stood up for what she thinks. At the same time, she points a finger at other politicians and believes that they are not sincere about their drug experiences.

    – I thought it was quite silly that all other politicians who say they used cannabis always say they did it once and that it was onice, she says.

    When Aftonbladet reaches Sara Skyttedal, she believes that there may be advantages in allowing some use of psychedelic mushrooms.

    – There is a lot of research going on about the potential it has in healthcare and if there is a therapeutic effect, it is clear that it should be used. Anything that can help those who are unwell is positive, she says and continues:

    – But at the same time, it is a powerful substance and it is not reasonable to release it freely for recreational use.
