Prehistory The First Shadow appears as a play

Prehistory The First Shadow appears as a play

While we wait for Stranger Things Season 5, the announcement is coming unexpected spin off which tells the backstory of the hit Netflix series. Contrary to what might be expected, this isn’t an episodic spin-off or even a Stranger Things movie to be released on Neflix or theatrically.

No, Stranger Things is coming, taking the same step as Harry Potter did after the end of the original series. As Netflix has just announced in a press release, the play will be released later this year Stranger Things: The First Shadow premiered at London’s Phoenix Theater.

The First Shadow: Stranger Things play tells the backstory of Hawkins

Where a sequel was told in Harry Potter with The Cursed Child, Stranger Things dares to do so in the course of The First Shadow look in the past. The play is set in 1958 and aims to explain the connection between the small town of Hawkins and the Upside Down.


Stranger Things: The First Shadow

Particularly exciting: Netflix teases that The First Shadow not only explores the beginning of the Stranger Things world. The piece could also with the key to the end attends. It is possible that clues will be scattered on stage that will be relevant to the finale of the series on Netflix.

Creepy and heartfelt: Stranger Things spin-off brings back old characters and introduces new ones

Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer, the creative minds behind Stranger Things, are also involved in the play. In the official press release they describe the production in the following words:

[Stranger Things: The First Shadow] is surprising and scary, but also cordial. You’ll meet new, lovable characters as well as old acquaintances on a journey into the past that lays the foundation for what would become Stranger Things. The story of the piece was developed by the Duffer brothers with Kate Trefry and Jack Thorne. Thorne was involved in the making of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Trefry is penning the final screenplay for the Stranger Things play. Stephen Daldry, who previously worked on the acclaimed series The Crown in the Netflix cosmos, will direct the film.

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