Pregnant reality TV stars and moms

Pregnant reality TV stars and moms

Secret Story, Angels, The Sticks, The people of MarseillesEach season, candidates make an impression and meet with a certain popularity, which they then continue to maintain on social networks. Some become influencers, create their own business thanks to their fame thus acquired and share their daily life, as well as their family life. Indeed, many are those who have become mothers in recent years, such as Nabilla Benattia (mother of Milann and Leyann)Jessica Thivenin (mum of Maylone and Leewane) and Hillary Vanderosieren (mother of Milo and Matteo) who are among the best known of reality tv star moms. Without forgetting the influencer mothers who tell their family life in the program devoted to those who have become mothers, Moms and Famous.
