Consuming smoked salmon is not recommended, neither for the future mother nor for the fetus. For what ? What are the main risks? When can you eat smoked salmon? The point with Magali Le Mardeley, dietitian nutritionist.
During pregnancy, the smoked salmon maybe dangerous for the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Indeed, this type of fish, which has been salted and then cold smoked, can be infected by parasites and contaminate the mother-to-be and her baby. What are the risks if you eat smoked salmon while you are pregnant? Can we eat cooked salmon or salmon that has been frozen ? Elements of answers with Magali Le Mardeley, dietitian nutritionist.
Can a pregnant woman eat smoked salmon?
The answer is no ! Health authorities recommend that pregnant women takeavoid eating smoked fishas the smoked salmon. And for good reason, “the smoking technique does not allow cooking to reach 63°C at the core, a temperature that will inactivate any bacteria” which can contaminate the future mother and her baby, explains the dietician.
“The smoking technique does not allow you to reach a cooking temperature of 63°C at heart, to destroy any bacteria.”
What are the risks of eating smoked salmon while pregnant?
In pregnant women, the two risks associated with the consumption of smoked salmon are listeriosis and the toxoplasmosis, listeriosis being the main risk when eating seafood. The consequences of these contaminations can be serious for the fetus and in some cases lead to pregnancy complications.
Risk of listeriosis
There listeriosis is caused by a small bacteria called a Listeria monocytogenes. Sensitive to heat, the latter is destroyed when exposed to high temperature. Which is not the case with the smoked salmon. It can lead to a miscarriageA premature delivery or a neonatal disease severe. It is therefore important to be particularly vigilant if a pregnant woman has eaten smoked or raw fish. “The infection may go unnoticed, take the form of contractions, or result in a fever spike.specifies the Pasteur Institute website which however indicates that despite the existence of an effective antibiotic treatment, “the evolution can be fatal even in case of appropriate and early treatment.“
Risk of toxoplasmosis
There toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. It is transmitted by herbivorous and omnivorous animals and can be found in vegetables or raw or undercooked meats. Fish, from the vertebrate family, are in principle not affected by this parasite, unless they are in contact with “river water soiled by excrement” of infected animals, indicates the health insurance website detailing the possible sources of contamination.
Can we eat smoked salmon when we are pregnant if we are immune to toxoplasmosis?
The answer to this question is unfortunately no. Being immune to toxoplasmosis does not protect against listeriosis. It is preferable to completely avoid smoked salmon and raw salmon during pregnancy, regardless of the toxoplasmosis serological status of the future mother.
Can we eat frozen salmon during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, salmon that has been previously frozen should not be consumed, either as raw salmon or as smoked salmon. Indeed, if freezing destroys certain parasites responsible for infections in pregnant women, such as toxoplasmosis, it has no effect on the listeriosis. Because as the Ministry of Health website, “unlike most other bacteria, Listeria is psychrophilic, i.e. it can grow at low or even very low temperatures“. It can thus be present in freezers.
Can I eat cooked salmon when pregnant ?
Pregnant women can eat cooked salmon. “It is a very good source of protein, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and omega-3”, lists the expert. This type of fish does not present any danger for the future child when it is well cooked through. In this case, you mustfavor salmon in the form steamed, baked, in foil“, details Magali le Mardeley.
“As for the salmon, it is necessary to privilege the salmon in the form cooked with vapor, with the furnace, in papillote”.