Pregnancy nose: here’s why the nose can really get bigger when you’re pregnant

Pregnancy nose heres why the nose can really get bigger

On TikTok, women film themselves to show their noses before and during or after pregnancy. They noticed a difference in size or color, which they dubbed the “pregnancy nose” or “pregnancy nose”. But is it really common?

Nausea, hair loss, fatigue… On the (already) long list ofpregnancy-related side effects now adds the “pregnancy nose” or “pregnancy nose”, which many women have never heard of. So info or intox? This phenomenon does exist, and it would affect some women during their pregnancy. In short videos posted on the TikTok social network, expectant mothers show their noses before their pregnancy, then during it. Many moms-to-be seem to have discovered the phenomenon for the first time, so much so that the hashtag #Pregnancynosis even accumulates more than 28 million views.

There are typical physiological changes of pregnancy that occur in everyone, the first being basal dilatation [à la base d’un organe, ndlr]i.e. a dilation of the blood vessels of the body”told NBC News Dr. Shannon Clark, professor of maternal-fetal medicine at the University of Texas. This results in a nose that is more swollen and redder than usual.

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This expansion is mainly due to theincrease in hormones – estrogen and progesterone – during pregnancy. “This hormonal influx means that there are side effects, especially in the mucous membranes. And these tissues can swell: this is the case of the nasal mucosa, it is also the case of the gums”adds gynecologist Nasrine Callet, gynecologist at Period Studio. And it would also be a good thing for the fetus since the increased blood flow ensures its proper growth.

The effects do not (normally) last

Fortunately these effects do not last: “After childbirth, there is a hormonal drop which effectively causes these edemas to disappear. So it’s absolutely not serious, it’s reversible“, she continues.

However, if a pregnant woman beyond 20 weeks gestation (22 weeks gestation) notices that her face and hands begin to swell, her vision becomes blurred, and these symptoms are accompanied by headaches, she must inform their doctor. Indeed, it could be first signs of preeclampsiaa pregnancy complication that combines hypertension and proteinuria (too high levels of protein in the blood) and which must be monitored and diagnosed correctly.

But if your nose gets bigger during your pregnancy but you don’t have any other symptoms associated with preeclampsia, don’t panic: your nose will return to its original shape after the birth of your child.

@kaylyn.hill It gets progressively worse #momtok#newmom#ftm#rainbowbaby#pregnancy#ttc#ttcjourney#librababy#pregnancynosis♬ Devil Eyes – There I Ruined It
