Pregnancy month by month: evolution of the baby, examinations, follow-up

Pregnancy month by month evolution of the baby examinations follow up

Month by month, follow the evolution of the fetus and the pregnant woman, from the start of pregnancy until delivery. Medical examinations, ultrasounds, symptoms and size of the belly… Here is what changes throughout your pregnancy as well as the appointments not to be missed.

From the beginning of your pregnancy until delivery, your belly changes to allow the fetus to grow and develop well. Its evolution is spectacular throughout these 9 months pregnant. For your part, between the symptoms of pregnancy and the hormones, you will go through different stages, but the approach of meeting the baby will quickly make you forget all the little ailments of pregnancy. Live it fully and enjoy every moment: from the little heartbeats on the ultrasound, to the movements in the belly when baby moves, without forgetting the announcement of pregnancy to those around you… Every moment remains memorable. These 9 months of pregnancy will above all be an opportunity to check that the baby is doing well, in particular via prenatal consultations and ultrasoundswhich will reassure you during these three trimesters of pregnancy. Certain administrative papers will also have to be sent, such as the registration for maternity, the declaration of pregnancy or the announcement to your employer to determine the dates of your maternity leave. Month by month, here is a recap of the 9 months of pregnancy that await you.


Good news if your breasts are too small for your taste: you will very quickly notice that they become larger and firmer… Quite simply because the hormonal cocktail (progesterone, estrogen and prolactin) of pregnancy prepares your breasts for breastfeeding ! Your nipples and areolas will also become larger to make breastfeeding easier. In the register of less happy news, the hormonal upheavals of the 1st trimester of pregnancy can also cause nauseadrowsiness and more frequent urges to urinate… On the other hand, do not worry (yet) about your weight gain: it is generally minimal during the first 3 months. You may even lose weight without harming your baby’s health!

Evolution of the fetus during the 1er trimester of pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the egg (the ovum fertilized by the spermatozoon) evolves at high speed! The cells of the embryo thus specialize very quickly to give rise to different organs (e.g.: brain, heart, ear) while the placenta and the umbilical cord are put in place… It is between the 8th and 10th week of amenorrhea (SA) that your baby’s limbs are forming: at 11 SA, we no longer speak of an embryo but of a fetus because all its internal organs are already present even if they still need to develop! The fetus then weighs around 10 g : he already looks a lot like a “real” baby!

The appointments of 1er trimester of pregnancy

There first prenatal consultation must take place before the end of your 3rd month of pregnancy. Very comprehensive, this examination makes it possible above all to identify possible risk factors for premature delivery or fetal malformations (e.g. screening for toxoplasmosis and rubella). At the end of the consultation, your midwife or doctor will give you your declaration of pregnancy, to be sent quickly to Social Security and your Health Insurance Fund. Another important review: first trimester ultrasound (to be done around 11 SA), which will allow you to precisely date the start of your pregnancy and check that your baby is developing well!

The second trimester of pregnancy is a period of great upheaval for you and your baby: discover all the useful information to live well during this key period for any pregnant woman! During the second trimester of pregnancy, the roundness of your belly is more and more marked and your breasts still increase in volume: a little colostrum, a very nutritious substance preceding the “real” milk, can even escape from it. It is also common to gain weight (on average 6 kilos), which may be accompanied by stretch marks. Due to hormonal changes, your skin also becomes darker, especially around the nipples: avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible to prevent the appearance of a pregnancy mask (if the damage is done, don’t panic: it will disappear after delivery)! Finally, if the nausea and fatigue of the first trimester have normally disappeared, you may however suffer from other inconveniences: back pain, heavy legs, headaches… Talk to your doctor: he will give you solutions to relieve them!

Evolution of the fetus during the 2th trimester of pregnancy

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the size and weight of the fetus increase very quickly: at 6 months, it weighs on average 1 kg for about 30 cm! His muscles also gain strength: around 20 weeks of amenorrhea (WA), his movements become more and more perceptible in your belly… It is also during this period that he begins to “breathe” even if this is not yet air that his lungs absorb but amniotic fluid (no danger for baby). His senses are also sharpened considerably: more and more aware of your presence, he can, from around 25 SA, sometimes react to gentle touches on your belly…

Appointment from 2th trimester of pregnancy

During the second trimester of pregnancy, it is customary to perform one prenatal visit per month to make sure of your state of health and that of baby. At the 4th and 5th month, these are simple control examinations with measurement of your blood pressure, listening to your baby’s heart, etc. Blood and urine tests are also carried out there to detect, for example, gestational diabetes. In the 5th month of pregnancy, you will also normally spend your second trimester ultrasound : you will then be able to know the sex of the baby if you wish! Finally, the prenatal visit of the 6th month is generally a little more advanced than the previous ones: it can include in particular a screening for hepatitis B.

During your third trimester of pregnancy, a brown line connecting your navel to your pubis may appear on your skin: don’t worry, this is due to your hormonal activity, everything will be back to normal after childbirth. In addition, your breasts continue to grow and your belly is getting bigger and bigger. Your weight gain may also accelerate from the 8th month of pregnancy, due to frequent cravings… If you experience punctual and irregular contractions, do not be alarmed: your uterus is simply “training” for childbirth! Your pelvis also prepares by widening little by little: this can lead to pubic pain, especially in the 8th and 9th month. This is normal but if you have the slightest doubt, talk to your doctor to be reassured!

Evolution of the fetus during the 3th trimester of pregnancy

Since the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby’s digestive system is functional. He also manages to see a little, even if his field of vision is still limited! During these last three months, baby will grow and grow a lot until reaching a average weight of 3 kg for generally a little less than 50 cm. Certain organs will also complete their development, including his brain, which matures at 35 weeks of amenorrhea (SA). At 37 SA, the baby’s body is fully operational! It is said to be “on term”: from there, it can be born at any time!

Appointment from 3th trimester of pregnancy

The normal rhythm is one prenatal visit per month: each of them includes biological examinations to check your health and that of your baby (ex: measurement of your blood pressure, listening to your baby’s heart, urinalysis looking for gestational diabetes). You will also do your last mandatory ultrasound during the third trimester of pregnancy, more precisely during the 8th month. It will assess the size and weight of your baby and control its position. Do not panic if he presents himself by the seat: he still has time to turn around! It should also be noted that in addition to the usual biological examinations, the prenatal visit of the 9th month makes it possible to take stock of preferred mode of delivery (delivery by low voice or caesarean section) depending on your state of health, the weight of your child and his position.
