Pregnancy diarrhea: symptoms, causes, what treatment?

Pregnancy diarrhea symptoms causes what treatment

During pregnancy, some women may experience diarrhoea, as the digestive system is often disturbed. This disorder, which seems trivial, must in certain cases be monitored. Symptoms, causes, risks, treatment and diet. Lighting with an obstetrician-gynecologist and a midwife.

Diarrhea is a common digestive disorder, which can occur in some cases during pregnancy. It is therefore not one of the typical pregnancy symptoms. On the other hand, when you are pregnant, it is normal to notice changes in your digestive system (stomach aches, constipation, nausea). However, having diarrhea is not always safe, especially in pregnant women. What are the symptoms and causes associated with diarrhea during pregnancy? Is it a sign of early pregnancy and childbirth ? How to treat it and when to worry? Two specialists, Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist-obstetrician and Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet, midwife, give us their advice.

What are the symptoms of diarrhea during pregnancy?

In pregnant women, diarrhea is characterized first of all by a change in transit. Other symptoms may be associated: abdominal cramps or pain in the lower abdomen, headaches, nausea, vomiting or even fever in some cases.

Generally, when a pregnant woman has diarrhea, her stools are more liquid and bulky than usual (more than 3 loose or watery stools per day).

What are the causes of diarrhea during pregnancy?

The causes of diarrhea during pregnancy are generally the same as outside of pregnancy, namely:

  • Iron supplementation: often prescribed during pregnancy, iron supplements can cause diarrhea.
  • Digestive intolerances, such as lactose intolerance. “They are not specific to pregnancy because they can also be found in other circumstances”comments Dr. Odile Bagot.
  • Stress that can accelerate transit. “But it’s natural and physiological, it’s not pathological”she nuances.
  • The relapse of a inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease.
  • Infectious causes: “Listeriosis can give rise to digestive disorders such as vomiting and diarrhea during pregnancy, even if it more often causes an influenza-like illness; seasonal viral gastroenteritis, in particular rotavirus, which has not shown any specific risk for fetus; more serious infections such as salmonellosis which will give a more severe general clinical picture with treatment with antibiotics”explains the obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • I’appendicitis which can be manifested by digestive disorders and pain in the lower abdomen (right) but it is a complicated diagnosis to make during pregnancy.

Is diarrhea a sign of early pregnancy?

In early pregnancy, diarrhea which is accompanied by a delay in menstruation and painful swelling of the breasts can be a symptom of pregnancy.

Is diarrhea a sign of childbirth?

“In some women, diarrhea is a sign that labor is coming.”

“In some women, diarrhea is a sign that childbirth is coming. However, it is not known whether it is the onset of labor that stresses the woman and leads to diarrhea or the contractions that cause diarrhea.“, says the expert.

Is it dangerous to have diarrhea when pregnant?

Fever and the importance of diarrhea are indicators.We worry when the diarrhea is very abundant, when it is accompanied by pain, fever and vomiting, when we can no longer swallow liquid and if we do not see any improvement after 24 hours, we will consult“, observes the gynecologist-obstetrician.

Is diarrhea a sign of miscarriage?

“Diarrhea is not a sign of miscarriage”, explains Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet, midwife. “On the other hand, in the case of a severe infection, of which diarrhea can be a symptom, this can trigger pregnancy termination. We have seen this with infections linked to Covid-19 or Listeria. But diarrhea does not lead to miscarriage, it is the infection”, explains the expert

What medicine to take in case of diarrhea during pregnancy?

In case of diarrhea during pregnancy, self-medication should be avoided, because many drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women. “Those that can be used safely are clay-based digestive dressings such as SMECTA (diosmeticte) which will absorb water in the intestine“, specifies the specialist. Loperamide-based drugs such as imodium may also be prescribed for acute diarrhea without signs of severity, but only if absolutely necessary. However, the best treatment for diarrhea in pregnant women remains lifestyle and dietary measures.

What to eat in case of diarrhea in pregnant women?

The main consequence against which we must fight in pregnant women is dehydration.warns Dr. Odile Bagot. It is therefore essential to drink a lot in small quantities, favoring slightly salty things like broth in order to retain water in the body and provide it with mineral salts. But also water, herbal teas to provide continuous liquid“. On the other hand, do not abuse tea, coffee or sodas because being rich in caffeine, they stimulate transit.

At the same time, it is necessary to adapt your diet by favoring certain foods known to counter diarrhea such as mashed banana, grated apple and rice“, she continues. Refined starchy foods are generally recommended in case of diarrhea (white bread, semolina, pasta). Also note that foods that are too hot or too cold tend to aggravate diarrhea, so it is better eat them at room temperature.

Source: Clay-based drugs in the symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea in children. ANSM (updated April 2021)

Thanks to Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist-obstetrician and author of Vagin & Cie, we tell you everything! to Mango editions, and to Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet, midwife in Fontenay-sous-Bois.
