Precarious, 51 thousand euros of compensation to an alternate defended by Anief: union starts free class action

School Anief retired at 60 with maximum contributions and free

(Finance) – Another one judgment who condemns the Ministry of Education For precarious protracted beyond all reasonable limit: to emit it this time it was the tRibunal of Perugia that in evaluating the appeal produced by the lawyers of the Anief union has decreed a record compensation of about 51 thousand euros in favor of the alternate teacher. To the applicant, assisted by lawyers Anief Giovanni Rinaldi, Fabio Ganci, Nicola Zampieri and Walter Miceli, has decided to assign the huge sum following the ascertained illegitimate reiteration of fixed -term contracts in the school sector.

“This sentence of about 51 thousand euros recovered – he explains Marcello PacificAnief National President – confirms what Anief has long supports about the systematic and chronic alternate that Italy insists on keeping alive: it is a condition, which concerns hundreds of thousands of teachers and perpetually precarious Ata staff, although they have exceeded the threshold indicated by the European Commission of 36 months of substitutes. It is therefore increasingly ascertained that this kind of recruitment significantly violates EU regulations on the abuse of fixed -term contracts and involves significant economic consequences for the state “.

The point is in fact that i judges European they repute relevant the complaints Presented first of all by the ANIF, already in 2010, on the clear failure to adopt the EU directive 1999/70/EC which provides for the definitive hiring for all those employees of the school who carried out at least 36 months of service even in a non -continuous way. The same EU commission that recently put the Italian state in default for non -assignment of automatic seniority shots towards the school’s precarious workers.

For these reasons, the same autonomous union Anief has decided to start a Class action Without costs against the Italian state: all teachers and ATA staff who have undergone the abuse of term contracts can therefore request compensation up to 24 months of the last salary. For more information and any adhesions to the free class action, to be presented to the Court of Rome, the interested parties can connect to the Internet page always prepared by Anief.

A few months ago, Anief has published a manifest in which he recalled the battles made by his foundation and had asked, with an amendment to Save Infraction Decreeof the precise changes to implement the principle of non -discrimination between precarious and role personnel, therefore to extend the double recruitment channel to the rankings of all suitable and those of the substitutes. In the meantime, after almost three decades of struggles to convince the Italian state to stabilize precarious workers and guarantee equal treatment and compensate them properly, just a month ago Anief has obtained from our government the doubling of thecompensation For non -entry into the role, arriving to produce appeal to the judge to obtain 24 months, almost 40 thousand euros net recovered always following the abuse of fixed -term contacts. Finally, all teachers and ATA staff who have undergone the abuse of term contracts can now request compensation up to 24 months of the last salary by adhering to the free class action that will be presented to the Court of Rome.
