Pre-filled declaration, from today you can download online: the news

Pre filled declaration from today you can download online the news

(Finance) – Declarations, let’s start: from today, Monday 23 May, the ‘pre-filled in 2022’ e the models prepared by Tax which, according to the information in its possession, has already entered 1 billion and 200 million pieces of data. From Tuesday 31 May it will then be possible to send the declaration, accepting it as it is or proceeding with the appropriate changes and additions. “The declaration season 2022 will close on 30 September for those who present the 730 and 30 November for those who use the web application, on the other hand. “This was announced by the Revenue Agency.

Among the novelties of 2022, the possibility of entrusting the managing your own declaration to a family member. In particular, it will be possible to grant a power of attorney to the spouse or a relative (or similar) within the fourth degree through a specific model, available on the institutional website of the Agency. It is also possible to choose a trusted person other than a family member “and” a further simplification is then foreseen for people unable to go to the Agency due to pathologies “. Then comes a simpler pre-filled form also for the heirs. submit the declaration as a parent, guardian or support administrator, will be able to send the request for the qualification, as well as with the usual modalities, also through the online service.

An increasingly simple activity, so much so that – again highlights the financial administration – in 2021 there were 4.2 million declarations transmitted by citizens independently. “The pre-filled declaration – comments the director of the Revenue Agency, Ernesto Maria Ruffini – each year is enriched with further data available to the Revenue Agency and a useful simplification is confirmed: in fact, it not only facilitates compliance, but also represents a guarantee for the taxpayer. For example, the automated collection of deductible expenses allows you to be aware of the benefits due, thus avoiding that some opportunities offered by the legislation are not seized. The numbers demonstrate the growing familiarity of citizens with this tool, which until a few years ago seemed unthinkable “.

At the start of the pre-filled declaration, seven years ago, “the number of taxpayers who sent the 730 and Income forms directly has grown to touch 4.2 million in 2021, triple compared to 2015 (when there were 1.4 million). The percentage of the 730 sent without changes is also constantly increasing, which last year stood at 22.3% of the total (in 2015 it was 5.8%). On the other hand, if we consider the number of information pre-loaded in the declaration by the Revenue Agency, we have gone from about 160 million data in 2015 to 1.2 billion this year, therefore with a level of completeness of the models available of citizens more and more “.

Most of the pre-entered data “refers to health care expenses, which jumped from 718 million last year to over 1 billion (+ 40%). The most significant increases are recorded in the item” transfers for restructuring “, with over 10 million of occurrences (+ 36% compared to 2021), and “contributions of domestic workers”, with 3.8 million data (+ 14%). But the most significant growth of all is represented by data relating to school expenses – 458 thousand in comparison of the approximately 4,600 of last year – and by those on donations, almost tripled and passed from 550 thousand to over 1 million and 600 thousand “.
