Practicing a sports activity could treat the long Covid

Practicing a sports activity could treat the long Covid

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    A new American study links the benefits of sport and the treatment of long Covid. According to the researchers, 30 minutes of sport a day would be enough.

    If you suffer from long Covid, playing sports could help you get better, reports a new American study from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. While few solutions exist to date to treat long Covid, this study affirms that sport could “breaking the vicious circle of inflammation that causes diabetes and depression”.

    “We know that long COVID causes depression, and we know that it can raise blood sugar levels to the point that people develop diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition common in people with type 1 diabetes.”, informs in the study Candida Rebello, scientific researcher.

    30 minutes of sport per day

    “You don’t have to run 1 kilometer or even walk briskly for 1 kilometer”, explains in the study, Dr. Rebello. According to the doctor, walking is already exercise. The ideal is to do “a 30-minute exercise session. But if you can only do 15 minutes at a time, try doing two 15-minute sessions. If you can only walk 15 minutes once a day, do it. The important thing is to try. It doesn’t matter where you start. You can gradually increase the recommended level of exercise”he reassures.

    Exercise induces the release of factors that mediate the anti-inflammatory response, support brain homeostasis, and increase insulin sensitivity.  This leads to lower glucose levels and could be considered as a management against the symptoms of long Covid.

    The study once again highlights the benefits of sport on the body. Recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the practice of a physical activity are the same as those of the study. 30 minutes of sport a day would be the key to staying healthy.
