Powerful news for Erik Karlsson ahead of the NHL premiere – here is the Pittsburgh Penguins’ brand new super five

Erik Karlsson has traded San Jose for Pittsburgh.
Then the Swede takes a place in the Penguins’ new super five in the power play.
– It will be fun, says Karlsson.

Erik Karlsson, 33, played for the San Jose Sharks for five years. After last season, the Swede was traded to the Pittsburgh Penguins, who last season finished fifth in the ‘Metropolitan division’ in the Eastern Conference.

Karlsson in the super five

‘EK65’ admits that everything will not be right from the start.
– It will take some time before we find the right one and get it right. We have to talk it through and find a way to do it. But with the group we have here and the hockey IQ we have, I’m not particularly worried, says Karlsson in a video from ‘Inside the Penguins’.

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230714 Erik Karlsson during the awarding of the Victoria Prize on 14 July 2023 in Borgholm. Photo: Suvad Mrkonjic / BILDBYRÅN / COP 170 / SM0245

In the past few days, the Penguins presented their first line-up in the power play, which includes Erik Karlsson. And it’s not bad company he’s in. To the left on the hill is found Kris Letang, and at the front the trio Sydney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin and Richard Rakell.

Needed to succeed

The 33-year-old is set for a season with the star players with him on the ice.
– Now it’s just a matter of getting together as soon as we can. There will be some obstacles along the way and even though we are all seasoned veterans we will have to learn new things. But that’s just part of the journey. It will be fun to see what we can accomplish.

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Erik Karlsson enters his first NHL season with the new team Pittsburgh Penguins. PHOTO: Youtube

The key to success, Karlsson believes, is good cooperation and learning from each other.
– This is something we have to manage together, everyone has to work with each other. I do certain things really well and I will try to implement that in the other guys, just as they do the same thing for me. All have their own characteristics. Now we have to find a way to use each other’s qualities in the best possible way, he says.

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