Power Rangers player Jason David Frank dies

Power Rangers player Jason David Frank dies

It was announced that Jason David Frank, the actor who gave life to the characters of Green and White Ranger in the Power Rangers series, which marked a period, passed away.

The Power Rangers series managed to become one of the productions that marked a period. Although I do not like the series, which is also broadcast on our country’s televisions, the fact that many of my friends around me did not leave the screen showed me how popular it was even then. It was announced that 49-year-old actor Jason David Frank, who is one of the actors of this series and gave life to the character of Green Ranger, passed away.

Green Ranger actor Jason David Frank dies

It is claimed that the actor known as Tommy Oliver in the series was found dead in Texas and the cause of death was suicide. Frank’s manager said, “Please respect the privacy of his family and friends at this terrible time when we are facing the loss of such a wonderful person. He loved his family, friends and fans very much. He will be truly missed.”

Frank, who is also interested in martial arts and participated in MMA martial arts for a period, joined the series as a Green Ranger for a few episodes, but was permanently in the series after the actor was loved so much. The player, who first fought against the team as a Green Ranger, later even led the team as a White Ranger.
