Power cuts: communication under pressure

Power cuts communication under pressure

In France, the risk of power cuts this winter is at the heart of political news. The government wanted to show that it was ready by presenting scenarios to deal with all eventualities, but was caught like a boomerang by a wind of panic and a wave of criticism. And Emmanuel Macron had to call everyone to order.

It was from the United States, where he was visiting, that Emmanuel Macron began to try to calm things down. The breath of concern mounting in France crossed the Atlantic and when he was interviewed by a national television channel at the end of his stay, the Head of State took care to reframe the debate : “ Do not panic “, did he declare !

But we cannot say that he was fully heard. Especially after the spokesperson for the electricity supplier Enedis set fire to the powder by explaining that the sick at home on a respirator would not be spared in the event of a cut. Stupor and tremors. In the constituencies, some deputies have had messages from French people in panic mode. A majority senator gets angry and tackles in flowery language: “ What is alarming is the bullshit of Enedis… not two-hour cuts ! But he also concedes that the ministers, some speaking of cuts, others affirming that there would not be any, have maintained the confusion.

Has there been a Covid-19 effect in the management of the energy crisis?

Certainly, because the memory of the shortage of masks during the Covid-19 is still there, accompanied by that of the criticisms which the government paid the price for its lack of preparation. So as not to be caught once again in the absence of anticipation, Elisabeth Borne and her ministers wanted to be “ transparent », Doing well, perhaps doing too well, and finally gave the impression that they were announcing inevitable cuts. Not at all to the taste of Emmanuel Macron who had presented sobriety as a means of avoiding shortages. ” The scenarios of fear, not for me”, said the president, angry, but a little out of time.

A boon for the opposition

A boon for the opposition, which seized the ball to attack Emmanuel Macron. Marine Le Pen in particular rushed into the breach, proclaiming: ” We are led by incompetents “. An LFI deputy protests: “ Emmanuel Macron’s chin blows, we see what it leads to, it’s a return to the Middle Ages “. The head of state targeted at the conclusion of an episode of failed communication.
