postponement of the trial of two opposition deputies arrested during the June 17 demonstration

postponement of the trial of two opposition deputies arrested during

In Senegal, the trial in flagrante delicto of two opposition MPs, arrested on Friday June 17 during the banned opposition demonstration, has been postponed: Déthié Fall and Mame Diarra Fam will be tried on June 27. The opposition coalition Yewwi Askan Wi had called for a mobilization to protest against the invalidation of its national list for the legislative elections of July 31. Clashes with the police left three dead in Dakar, Bignona and Ziguinchor.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

Déthié Fall, national representative of the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition, and Mame Diarra Fam, deputy of the Wallu Senegal coalition, therefore remain in prison pending the appointment, Monday, June 27, in special hearing: only this case will be heard. agenda. This postponement is explained by the large number of protesters who must be tried, more than 80 “says one of their lawyers.

The two deputies were placed under warrant of deposit, Monday, June 20, for “ unarmed mob, unlawful assembly and damage to property of others “, specifies Master Abdy Nar Ndiaye.

Another official arrested June 17 : Ahmed Aïdara, mayor of the city of Guédiawaye, in the suburbs of Dakar, who should be tried on Friday June 24. Just like Guy Marius Sagna, also head of the departmental list of Yewwi Askan Wi, who was placed under arrest warrant Tuesday, June 21 in Ziguinchor.

The opposition coalition demands the release of those she calls ” political hostages “.

When you break the law, you have to suffer the consequences “, had for his part affirmed the Minister of Justice after the arrests.

The opposition Yewwi Askan Wi has promised to continue its mobilization, calling in particular for ” concerts of pots and horns » from Wednesday at 8 p.m. UT (and local time).

Read also : In the spotlight: the political showdown continues in Senegal
