Postponed meeting between Félix Tshisekedi and rebel armed groups in Kenya

the participants of the framework agreement for peace meeting engage

A dozen armed groups were announced, including the M23, this Friday, April 22 in Nairobi. They didn’t come to the meeting.

With our correspondent in Nairobi, Florence Morice

The wait lasted almost all day and the announcement of the postponement finally fell at the end of the afternoon. And for good reason: the representatives of armed groups supposed to arrive from the DRC this morning were not present at the meeting.

Why ? The Congolese presidency evokes ” logistical difficulties to organize the movement of these representatives of armed groups to Nairobi, without giving further details. A dozen armed groups were announced, including the M23.

These logistical difficulties are being overcome, and they will happen, however reassures a source in the presidency. In the meantime, Congolese head of state Félix Tshisekedi has returned to Kinshasa after a final one-on-one with his counterpart Uhuru Kenyatta.

He leaves a team in Nairobi which will therefore be responsible for carrying out the consultations in his absence. This is notably made up of his adviser Serge Tshibangu, who was already the architect of the discussions which led to the accession of the DRC to the community of East African states.
