Postpartum treatment: How to overcome postpartum depression?

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While the process after becoming a mother is easy for some women, it can be very difficult for others. Depression may occur in many women after birth. This situation that occurs immediately after birth is called postpartum. Although the postpartum period is an extremely distressing period for some women, it can also be so serious that it is impossible to get out of it. This psychological disorder experienced after birth can be easily resolved when timely support is received.

How is postpartum treatment done?

Postpartum depression can reach more serious levels if ignored. While some women get through the postpartum period more easily after becoming a mother, it may not be that easy for some women. If left untreated, the condition may even lead to the desire to harm or kill oneself. Therefore, according to experts, the first week is seen as a very critical period.

It is extremely important to closely observe the mother’s mood changes in the first week after birth. If the mother experiences constant anxiety, feelings of regret, panic attacks, or the thought that something bad will happen, it is of great importance to consult a specialist psychologist without delay. Postpartum treatment is shaped according to the diagnosis of specialist doctors and their detailed evaluation of the patient. Treatment methods commonly include medication and therapy.

Many new mothers may experience postpartum depression. While these depressive states last for a short time in some women, they can last for a very long time in others. It is very important to receive support from both the husband and family members during the postpartum period.

If the necessary support is not received, the woman may feel more helpless and may inevitably come to a point where she disconnects from life. In later times, extremely serious situations such as thoughts of suicide or harming the baby may occur. Therefore, it is of vital importance to take into account the symptoms seen at the very beginning and to consult a specialist physician as soon as possible.

How to get rid of postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is an important disorder that occurs in most women and causes psychological problems that manifest themselves immediately after birth. After becoming a mother, a woman enters the postpartum period. Although this process usually lasts about six weeks, it can also cause serious depression in some women. This situation, which manifests itself with symptoms such as the woman feeling inadequate, feeling helpless, decreasing or completely absent bond with her baby, and not being able to get support from her husband or parents, can lead to a more severe depression problem if left untreated.

In such a case, it is very important to consult a specialist physician and start the treatment process without wasting time. There are multiple treatment methods for postpartum depression. These methods are briefly:

  • Medical treatment method (medication) – (in cases where postpartum depression is mild or moderate)
  • Psychotherapy (in cases where postpartum depression is severe)

When does postpartum depression go away?

While postpartum depression may last longer for some mothers, it may last shorter for others. This situation is completely related to the situation that the mother experiences in her own inner world. Mild states of depression can be overcome more easily with spouse and family support and can go away on their own within a few weeks without the need for treatment. For some women, this period disappears in a few days. However, in cases of longer-lasting depression, it may be necessary to consult a specialist doctor.
