PostNord’s message: Mailboxes are removed in 2025

PostNords message Mailboxes are removed in 2025

At the turn of the year, Postnord implemented several changes of various kinds, which affected private customers as well as corporate customers. For example, the letter portion was raised. A domestic letter, which weighs a maximum of 50 grams, now costs SEK 22 to post – an increase of SEK 4.

The increase was, according to Postnord, a consequence of reduced letter volumes.

– What is happening is that the revenue from the postage is drastically reduced and we have a high proportion of fixed costs. Since we do not receive any state support for postal service is the only remaining solution for us to raise the postage, have Henrik Ishiharapress spokesman at Postnord, previously told Sweden’s Radio Ekot.

On January 1, a new pricing model was also launched for post magazines and Mypack Collect and Mypack Box changed its name to PostNord Service Point and PostNord Parcel Locker.

But even before the turn of the year, things happened at Postnord. Mail boxes were removed in several places around the country.

More specifically the company has previously stated for News24 that 2,907 mailboxes were removed last year.

So what does PostNord’s plan really look like for 2025?

“In 2025, we plan to remove about 2,000 mailboxes,” the company’s press service writes to News24.
