(Finance) – “In March 2024, during our Investor Day, we enthusiastically shared our vision and today, one year after the start of our strategic plan, We have exceeded the financial objectives, recording a solid performance on our entire platform And successfully realizing our strategic priorities. In the digital age, Poste Italiane remains one of the most reliable institutions in Italy, with a capillary physical presence in every community and the largest digital platform in the country. ” Matteo del Fante, CEO Of Italian post officecommenting on the 2024 results and new targets at 2025.
“The 2024 was a record year – he explained – we have achieved record revenues of 12.6 billion euros, operating result (Ebit) Adjusted Record of 2.96 billion euros, almost three times the 2017 level, and net profit of 2.01 billion Euro, two years in advance of the objectives of the plan and perfectly in line with our updated guidance. All four of our business units have recorded a solid growth of revenues, further confirming the solidity of our highly diversified business model “.
“There our transformation is producing tangible results – said Del Fante – In the last seven years, we have more than compensated the smaller revenues deriving from structural decline sectors, such as correspondence and payment bulletins, generating 2 billion of additional revenues from growing businesses such as packs and digital payments, In addition to significantly higher revenues from the investment portfolio and the solidity of the insurance sector “.
“We remain focused on the sustainable growth of revenues and profitability, with a guidance for 2025 which provides for an adjusted operating result (Ebit) of 3.1 billion euros and a net profit of 2.1 billion euros – he continued – in addition , thanks to a clear visibility on cash flows and an effective optimization of group capital, We are committed to reviewing the policy of dividends upwardwith a pay-out ratio structurally increased to 70% in the Arco Piano, which translates into over 7.5 billion euros of cumulated dividends in the period 2024-2028, compared to the original objective of 6.5 billion euros “.
“We will propose a dividend per share for the entire 2024 exercise equal to 1.08 euros, up 35% on an annual basis, for a total of 1.4 billion euros of dividends distributed on the net profit of the year 2024 – The CEO underlined – The balance will be distributed in June of this year. euro in 2026, therefore today we can say that we have Once our goal has been exceeded two years in advance. 2024 marks the eighth consecutive year of growth of the annual dividend, with a total of dividends distributed since 2016 equal to 7 billion euros. Looking to the future, our trust in the Italian Post remains. Our ability to generate sustainable and resilient growth, in any context, confirms the solidity of our business model and our long -term vision “.