Poste, appeal against Antitrust: provision “absolutely inapplicable”

Poste appeal against Antitrust provision absolutely inapplicable

(Telestock) – Italian post believes “absolutely inapplicable – both on the merits of the law and from an operational point of view – the measure of the Competition and Market Authority on access to the Post Office network”. This is stated in a note from the company, after the Antitrust Authority ruled that Poste violated article 8, paragraph 2-quater of law no. 287/1990, as it made available to PostePay goods and services of which it has exclusive availability in relation to the activities carried out within the scope of the Universal Postal Service to operate in the retail electricity and natural gas markets.

“The measure, although scaled down compared to the first precautionary measure and suspended by the Council of State, will be subject of appeal to the Administrative Justice of all levels“, the company added.

According to the Antitrust, Poste Italiane will now have to guarantee, to PostePay’s competitors who request it, the access ex article 8, paragraph 2-quater to all post offices not included in the Polis Project. Furthermore, Poste Italiane must appoint a trustee responsible for monitoring compliance with the obligations.

(Photo: © GoneWithTheWind / 123RF)
