Postcode lottery rages after new scam alarms: ‘So pissed off’

Postcode lottery rages after new scam alarms So pissed off

It was in December last year that the Postal Code Lottery issued a warning on Facebook.

“We want to warn of fraudsters who are currently calling claiming to be from the Postcode Lottery,” they wrote in the post, where they also urged followers to read about how the company never asks for bank details over the phone.

Postcode Lottery’s stark warning to members: ‘Wrong’

Fraudsters pretended to be calling from the Postcode Lottery

Borås Tidning is now reporting on how several elderly people received calls from fraudsters who pretended to be from the Postcode Lottery. Among other things, an elderly woman is said to have been called with a hidden number and in the call it is said that she won 25,000 kroner.

When the woman, who is not a lottery ticket buyer, was asked to provide her bank details, she cut off the call, the newspaper reports.

This is how the winners of the Postcode Lottery are surprised: “A whole team”

Fraudsters pretend to be calling from the Postcode Lottery. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT

The Postcode Lottery profile on the winner’s reaction: “Totally bet”

The Postcode Lottery’s press manager: “So pissed off”

When Roger Magnergårdpress manager at the Postcode Lottery, is contacted by the information about the fraud attempts, he is appalled.

– I get so pissed off, sad and disappointed, he tells the newspaper and states that the Postcode Lottery never calls and asks for card numbers or bank details.

– I hope that more people are warned about these conversations, so that no one goes through this, he says the newspaper.

Such is the relationship between the Postcode Lottery profiles – when the cameras are turned off
