Post-resuscitation syndrome: what is it, what symptoms?

Post resuscitation syndrome what is it what symptoms

Anxiety, memory loss, physical pain… Hospitalization in intensive care can leave serious sequelae that characterize the post-resuscitation syndrome.

Hospitalization in intensive care is not never without consequences. “12 months after their release from intensive care, between 30 and 45% of patients are unable to resume their professional activity“ reports the High Authority of Health (HAS). To prevent a post-resuscitation syndrome, the authority recommends in particular do not restrict visiting hours and to give loved ones the opportunity to actively participate in care if they wish. What are the symptoms of this syndrome? The results ? What to do ?

What is post-resuscitation syndrome?

Post-resuscitation syndrome or Post Intensive Syndrome (PICS) translates to the occurrence or persistence of physical, psychological or cognitive symptoms after hospitalization in intensive care which can lead to activity limitations, alter the quality of life and autonomy and hinder the socio-professional reintegration of patients. THE impacts of post-resuscitation syndrome can also extend to the family of the patient, we are talking about “PICS Family” : the stress linked to the period of resuscitation can cause psychological and psychiatric symptoms in the relatives of the affected person.

What are the causes of post-resuscitation syndrome?

Several factors are associated with an increased risk of developing a post-resuscitation syndrome according to the HAS, before the stay in intensive care:

  • age (over 75)
  • background psychological/psychiatric
  • comorbidities pre-existing
  • sarcopenia (decreased muscle mass and strength)

During the stay in intensive care:

  • reason for admission : septic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • delirium Or Delirium (altered attention, perception and consciousness)
  • duration of stay: duration of mechanical ventilation and/or treatment with catecholamines more than 3 days

What are the symptoms of post-resuscitation syndrome?

Symptoms of post-resuscitation syndrome can be varied and affect different parts of the body. Symptoms of PICS can occur as soon as you leave intensive care or in the weeks and months that follow. At the house of 40% of patients coming out of intensive care, we observe physical symptoms :

  • muscle weakness and pain
  • neurological disorders
  • damage to bones and joints (arthritis, osteoporosis, fractures, sprains)
  • skin sequelae (scars, spots)
  • respiratory sequelaeENT, renal, cardiovascular
  • fatigue

20-35% of patients may have anxiety disorders

At the house of 20 to 35% of patients, we observe psychological or psychiatric disorders:

At the house of 20 to 50% of patients, we observe cognitive disorders :

  • memory loss
  • loss of verbal fluency
  • attention problems
  • alterations in executive functions (planning, organization, decision making etc)

How to diagnose post-resuscitation syndrome?

The diagnosis of post-resuscitation syndrome is mainly clinical, based on the evocation of symptoms and medical history (risk factors). It is established by health professionals.

The treatment of post-resuscitation syndrome is multidisciplinary and aims to manage symptoms and promote recovery. Patients should be referred to adequate care channels: psychologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, organ specialists, speech therapists and general practitioners. The duration of treatment may vary depending on the severity of symptoms and individual needs.
