Possible release date for Heart of Chornobyl is December 1

Possible release date for Heart of Chornobyl is December 1

The long development phase of Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl may end soon. The producer marks the date of December 1, 2023.

The long development phase of Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl may end soon. Because its maker suddenly set December 1, 2023 as a release date. Although not officially confirmed yet, this date does not appear to be a tentative date used on the website. That’s why developer GSC Game World may make an announcement soon.

No one expected this release date for Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl

This is pretty unexpected news, considering that GSC Game World has faced a number of hurdles that have strained the Stalker 2 development process. Almost all of these obstacles are due to the effects of the Russian occupation of Ukraine, as GSC is a Ukraine-based studio. These challenges range from facing bombing threats like the rest of the country to being targeted by a Russian hacker who leaked an internal version of the game.

This latest development was spotted by journalist Andrew Marmo and shared a page on the website of Palion, the company that distributes Stalker 2 on behalf of GSC. Here, the game’s release date is listed as December 1 of this year. However, the studio has yet to make an official announcement.

Everyone thought it was delayed to 2024

The last we’ve heard about the release date for now is that it’s been delayed from its original date of December 2022 and is intended to come out in 2023. However, this 2023 window was never narrowed and was last heard in the summer of 2022. This has caused many people to think that Stalker 2 has been quietly delayed to 2024.

You may be interested in: Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl

As stated in the information received, December 1 is listed, while other games on the site use December 31 as a temporary date. In addition, Marmo also shared that Amazon also lists the date of December 1. This suggests that GSC may make an announcement soon.

Releasing the game before the end of the year would have been an impressive feat given how many challenges GSC faced. The team left the country during the war in Ukraine and works in a new studio in Prague and states that they are the target of constant cyber attacks because of their open support for their country. If this release date news is true, it means that GSC is staying true to its commitment to launch this year.
