Possible breakdown of the agreement between MEF and Lufthansa on Ita Airways

Possible breakdown of the agreement between MEF and Lufthansa on

(Finance) – After almost two years of negotiations, the agreement between Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and Lufthansa on the acquisition of Ita Airways risks jumping. The European Commission had already approved the agreement, certifying the absence of anti-competitive problems and accepting the commitments made by the parties to avoid them. However, the request for Lufthansa to activate a clause to reduce the second tranche of the payment by 10 million euros (bringing it to 315 million from the 325 initially agreed upon) met with firm opposition from the Italian government.

Second Altroconsumowhich monitors developments, Lufthansa would have shown openness to maintaining the agreed priceraising hopes for a positive outcome of the negotiation. Otherwise, no deal would be an unexpected outcome, given that any market fluctuations, including possible drops in ITA’s revenues, were thought to have already been taken into account.

Altroconsumo reiterated the importance of avoid harm to consumersprotecting the market and taxpayers. The organization asks the Government and Lufthansa to find a solution as soon as possible that guarantees the continuity of Ita services for travellers. It also invites the Government to clarify the measures it will adopt if the agreement does not go through.
